maybe he love me?

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Yn pov
Wedding is completed
Jungkook is standing by my side holding my waist as if i leave, if he let go of me.

i was shocked when i saw the person in front of me. my eyes became teary. i don't know what to tell her or what to do but before i do anything she walked towards me hugged me and that is none other than my mom!

Author pov
Yn's mother don't know anything about kidnapped she is thinking that they are marrying cause they love each other as jungkook said her like that at first she didn't believed him as she know her daughter well but he made her believe as he is so good at manipulating people! And she is so happy for her daughter. she was always afraid as yn doesn't believe in love at all! She thought she can't see her daughter getting married but she is so happy as she is married now. But she can sence something off in her daughter's eyes

I am soo happy for you yn! Why didn't you tell me about this before. Even jungkook is mafia i don't care much as he loves you so much  and you love him why would I object your decision my sweetheart.

Yn pov
We pulled back our hug i wondering what to tell her but her word make my eyes wide i stare at jungkook who smirking at me i understood that he lied to my mother as this is best for her  she would be so sad when she find that it was forced and i agreed to marry because of her. she would regret it so i thought it was for good. I tried To do my best to not my feelings

Time skips
Jk pov
I was so happy i got a call for work and it's urgent i went there and back now i was so excited for tonight as i am waiting for this day i am so nervous and excited as well i went to our room and opened the door i scene in front of me make my heart stopped beating i find yn unconscious
When i find her like that my mind stopped working and i felt like my world is crumbling immediately i went to her and hold her in my arms she looks so pale i shouted loudly which makes everyone came to our room i shouted to call doctor.

Time skips

Author pov

"Mr.jeon is Mrs Jeon eating her meals properly?" Doctor questioned jungkook

"Yes! She is eating her meals everyday i was one who feeds her" jungkook stated confusingly

"Mrs.jeon is so weak she don't have enough energy if she is taking meals properly why is she so weak? Please bring her to hospital tomorrow i think i need to do some tests" he stated

Jungkook just nodded his head.
Doctor when she will wake? He asked worriedly
"She is just sleeping she will wake soon. Don't worry" he assured

He was so tensed and worried about yn

"B-boss...i saw mrs.jeon t-throwing after eating i saw it many times i asked her but i think she is s-suffering with s-something" one of the maid said while Shuttering

"What? She vomited all the food? From when? Why didn't you informed before" he shouted angrily.

Yn pov
I was in bed my head is hurting so much i saw jungkook shouting at a maid i got up and sit staright grabbing the attention jungkook hurriedly came towards me and hugged me tightly "i was so worried, it's a relief" he mumbled i can clearly see that he is so worried about me does he really love me?
He pulled back the hugged after few minutes which are so uncomfortable for me i can see his worried face and his teary eyes i was suprised it is first time i saw him like this and for first time i thought maybe he is loving me

He looked at me and asked
"Why are you throwing after eating is there something wrong? He asked worriedly while caressing my cheeks

God! Why is this happen to me? Why my heart is beating so fast what's wrong with me
"I want to take some rest" i stated as i want to diver the topic

"Uhh..okay okay you need to take some rest let's talk about it tomorrow
I want to take some rest "he said gently and went out

Time skips

Author pov

"So make sure not a single article of yn published until it is accepted by jungkook as you know if you disobey any order you'll die" taehyung stated with his husky yet cold voice

Taehyung tooked care of everything regarding to yn and he also took care of yn missing as they released an official Statement.

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