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Time skips
Author pov
After all that jungkook passed out and i called his body guard now we both got back home. jungkook is laying on the bed in our room he is sleeping peacefully maybe because he let out all his feelings today. I never saw him sleeping this peacefully. He is looking like a total innocent kid who slept after crying for chocolate and I'm feeling so guilty making him miserable what did i have done to make him love me this much? I was staring at him with full of admiration and butterflies in my stomach he is the only man who makes me feel like this. It's been a long time since I was staring and I am about to get up but a hand stopped me i looked back at him looking at me with tearful eyes he again said "can you please give me your answer now??" With full of sadness in his voice before I opened my mouth he again said "No! Not can say it later " i can totally understand that he is afraid if i say no but how can I say no to this man? I looked at him with a sad smile and again sat on the bed and caressed his hair he is looking desperately at me and he looked little surprised by my actions and lean forword and peck his forehead he is not in his right mind i will confess him tomorrow for now he need to get so rest. He slowly closed his eyes as i wis still caressing hair. After i confirmed he i asleep i went to other side and lied myself beside him to this time i was the one who wrapped my arms around his waist and drift to dreamland


Next day morning
Jungkook pov
I woke up as sunlight hitting me my head was hurting like crazy and i was about to get up but an arm around my waist stopped me i looked at my side and saw my love sleeping peacefully snuggling into my side that's when i remember what happened yesterday and had a sharp pain in my heart. She said she'll answer me today and i wanna listen whatever it's gonna be and the reason why I went to her set yesterday when i was in my thoughts i heard sweet mumbles and looked at my angel who slowly opened her eyes we both stared at eachother with so many feelings she slowly caressed my cheek still looking into my eyes with full of l-love i slowly closed my eyes feeling her touch that's when started speaking

Y/n pov
I opened my eyes and the 1st thing i witnessed is the man who is my husband and who stole my heart i stared at him as he is looking at me with full of love i thought things like this will only exist in movies and dramas but now I'm feeling it too thank to the man who i married. I want to tell him now! he has waited a long time enough now there is no turning back i slowly caressed his cheek as he slowly closed his eyes and i started speaking "jungkook-ahh i thought i will never fall in love...i decided to never fall in love and became miserable because of a man...but i think things will never go as we want right?" He slowly opened his eyes and started to her me with full attention. I again continued "like see how i end up falling for you" i smiled a little i can't see tearing starting to flow from his eyes i again continued "yeah! I fall for you...i love you jungkook" i confessed as a single tear left my eye and smiled a little his eyes were full of tear and he is suprised

Author pov

As yn confessed her jungkook can't stop his tears it felt like a dream for him and yn who is still caressing his cheek lean forward and captured his beautiful lips with hers as he stared slowly moving her lips as warm liquid is from for both eyes jungkook was so surprised and  overwhelmed as he also started moving his lips they are devouring each other like there is no tomorrow the kiss is with full of love, desire, need and desperation after a good 5 mins both pulled out and started panted heavily this is the 1st kiss they both had it was always peck that to it's on jungkook's but this time it's different.

Now jungkook starts caressing her cheek with still tears in his eyes and said "i love you more than you can imagine thank you for loving me back and accepting a bastard like me" yn smiled looking at him thinking what did she do to deserve this angel and said pouting playfully "don't call my husband bastard!" Jungkook deeply chuckled at her cuteness and embraced her in his bulked arms and kissed her forehead and mumbled "i still can't believe this is happening" yn snuggled more into his chest hearing his heart beat 


Time skips
Y/n pov

Now i was at set preparing for my shoot and can't stop smiling think about what happened this morning after saying in his embrace we both got call and had to go back for our works but we promised to leave work early and went date and i was so excited for that but still there is a part of me feeling afraid and i apologied our pd and my co-workers about yesterday for leaving like that
And again when to my work

Jungkook pov
I still can't believe what happened morning! Yn confessed me!! After 10 years finally!! I can't describe how happy I'm! After yn coming into my life every day feels so special and today is the most special day out of all! I promised her to take her to date today. She is an angel. now I'm feeling like I don't deserve her at the same time i can't let her so i have to make her the happiest woman and I will do whatever it takes to make her happy! I had a huge smile plaster on my face that's when I heard a knock on the door I kept my poker face and said come in and there come my secretary park jin ah with a file in her arms

Author pov

Jin ah entered and stood professionally infornt of jungkook with a file in her arm  "mr.jeon! There is a meeting in an hour with mr.park regarding the factory in jeungdo he said he is willing to sell it and he want to meet you first" jungkook took the file which she placed on the table and nodded to her words

After an hour jungkook went to meet mr.park and talked about salt factory after the meeting ended jungkook along jin ah were about to exit but stopped when mr.park said something that stoped both of them "jin-ah! I have something to tell you with your permission mr.jeon" jungkook was shocked as why mr.park referring his secratary so casually? And why does he want to talk to her?

Before he answered, jin ah expressed "oh! I forgot to tell you mr.jeon, mr.park is my father!"

What do you think about jin-ah? Who is she exactly?? And it's been a long time i  updated finally!! Jungkook and yn are together!

What do you think about jin-ah? Who is she exactly?? And it's been a long time i  updated finally!! Jungkook and yn are together!

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How can someone be this breathtaking!!🤧

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