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"What do you want to watch?"jungkook asked yn while seeing movies what are available
"Your wish"y/n stated and looking at her surroundings it's became common to her as reporters are everywhere around her but this time it's different cause jungkook is there to take care of all matters but still she is bit afraid
"How about your movie?" He asked while looking straight into her eyes
'B-but it released 2years ago how can we watch it..."y/n said while ignoring his gazes
"I will ask them to play the movie! You know i can do anything I am Jeon jungkook "jungkook stated with a proud smirk
"Your wish but make it fast it's already 6:10" y/n stated still ignoring his gazes cause her heart is going crazy right now the way he saw her she can't handle it so she is ignoring it

Y/n pov

Now we are watching my movie which released 2 years ago i already watched it several times but it felt like 1st time as i am watching it with jungkook and i and sure he already watched it but he is so into the movie and i am so nervous...he rented the theatre. Only we are here. Suddenly kissing scene appeard on the screen actually it will became a romantic movement for other couples but for me i am the one in the kiss scene that appeard on the screen and i here with my husband to watch it damn! What a fate i felt so uncomfortable and can't dare to face him i never been like this i am so professional but now even it's just a movie i know jungkook wouldn't like it "this movie is my favourite you know but this scene.... I hate it the most"he whispered in my ears while leaning closer to me with his husky cold voice while highlight the last words which send chills running through my veins

"Babe,What do you want to eat?"he said while looking into the menu i tell him my order while the waiter is looking at me without glancing i cough to get him back to sence not want to create a scene as jungkook is glaring at him with his dark orb eyes he then bow and then left

There is no one in the whole resturant except me and jungkook it's actually tough to go with me I always have to be cautious as I don't know what will happen. Even a single mistake will enough to close my chapter......

I am enjoying the night view of Seoul through the window. after a long i can finally breath now my heart is at peace and i am happy my life is get a lot more better in these 3 months i looked at jungkook with a genuine smile the reason of my happiness while him who is only looking at me the whole time now we are just staring at eachother without talking we come back to scene when waiter come back with order we quickly looked away feel nervous we started eating while talking about this and that like a "ordinary couple "

We are going but Me and jungkook stopped when we heard "excuse me" the same waiter who served us "Y-y/n-sshi actually my daughter is big fan of you even my wife i-if you don't mind can you gave me an autograph my daughter will be really happy" he said while passing me a book and pen

I smiled at him "what your daughter name?"
Eunha! jung eunha! He said excitedly
"what's her age?" I again asked him
"Eight years" he immediately answered while smiling brightly
I wrote "eunha! study hard and unni like to see you in my fan met"with my autograph

We both are in car and i was looking outside the window while thinking about the incident just happened and said
"She must be happy.... Right? "I said out of blue while jungkook turned towards me while driving "who?"
"'Eunha' daughter of the waiter who took my autograph see how desperate he is to make his daughter happy" i said still looking out of windows with a sad chuckle while thinking about my father
"Yeah she will be very happy to get a autograph from her favourite idol"he said while smiling didn't get the real meaning out of it.
I just smiled

After few minutes he stopped the car somewhere it's not our Mansion he got out from car and opened the door for me like a gentleman man i got out and looked at the surroundings confusingly and then  he wrapped my eyes with his plams "J-Jungkook what are you doing?"
"Wait babe you will see it with your eyes" he said and started walking after taking a few steps we stopped and he slowly unwraped his plams "I was amazed by the view that appears in front of me my eyes are sparkling my lips formed the biggest smile" he chuckled at my reaction it's Seoul night view with Han river "J-Jungkook where do you find this place t-this is fantastic"i suttered it happiness
"this is my favourite spot no one knows about this except me.... now you know it" he said with a big smile plastered on his face while his right hand caressing my hair i was overwhelmed no one made me this happy i never had a little surprises like this  

Jungkook pov

I never saw her this happy I am so happy that i am also the reason for her happiness but i always regreted for forcing her to marry me and when i think about it i never confessed her properly but now i want to confess my true feelings how i feel about and want to start again the beautiful journey with her i think this is the best time to tell i will never forget this day for the rest of my life i am so nervous what if she say no? what if she say she don't want to live with me anymore? or what if she say she don't have feelings for me? this thoughts are stopping me but i gathers my courage and said

" y/n-ahh when i was 18 when i was no into this mafia world i am so afarid and a coward who always ignore the reality and living far away from my reality there no one to took care of me not even my hyung's as i didn't know them yet that's when i want to gave up on everything cause i am tired just to sruvive for a day and want to end my life that's when i heard the song "i am here"(y/n debute song)

i am here for you
I will listen your story
I know you are not a coward who is afraid of living it's not your fault
It's the world who made you choose this
But trust me
You are more than you think
I will be there
I will listen to you
When you want me the most
I can't give a chance for yourself
You only have the right on your life
Don't let anyone decide it
I am here
I am here to wake you up
I am here to make you strong my friend

Each and every line of the song made me think about my decision again  and the interview do you remember you said "the world is not going to change the way you want you have to change it the way you want to "adjust" no remove it from your dictionary and do want you want what your Heart want"  a 17 year's old girl told these words from then onwards you became my strength you became my happiness that's when i decided to not gave up and get what i want no matter what and that's when i decided to make you mine i waited for 10years to make you mine past three months are the best days in my life i want to be with you until the day i die! i know what i did is a big mistake i forced you! i forced you to marry me but i want you to forgave me this one time can you please gave me a chance to correct myself and to gave you all my love that you deserves I really really love you so much y/n"

What do you guys think y/n's answer is?? And do you think gaving jungkook a chance worth?? Btw jungkook is so adorable isn't he??❤️❤️

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