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As always min hyuk (Mr. Park) returned back home after his work to spend his time with his sweet family but to his surprise there were two other guests who visited their home eunji (y/n's mom) is talking with a woman around her age and there is y/n playing with a girl who is younger than her noticing the arrival of minhyuk, eunji introduced her husband to her high school best friend  Kim heejin and her daughter Kim jin-ah she said that her friend's husband is dead she had no source to live on so she is here to get help from eunji after hearing her husband owns a factory "min hyuk, can you give her a job here?? Her daughter is younger than our y/n and it's so difficult for her to take care of work and child so I'm thinking of letting heejin stay at our home until everything is settled. As you know she is the only friend I have and I can't leave when she is having a hard time" eunji always been the kindest soul she wanted to help her best friend but that's the biggest mistake she made in her life.
    Minhyuk was about to speak when his Lil daughter shouted to look at her and 5 years old jin-ah. Who is looking at him with her innocent sparkling eyes he smiled at them ear to ear and again looked at his beloved wife "of course honey whatever you want! I will talk to my manager to give her a spot in our factory and they can stay here until they find a place to live" he said
"thank you so much for letting us live here I'm so thankful for you eunji I will never forget your kindness"  said  heejin not letting her real intentions show.

            Kim heejin a greedy women who loves money and money only she was married to a contractor but he is an alcoholic and irresponsible man. He never cared about his family. Because of his drinking habit he slowly got cheated by many people and ended up getting bankrupt and finally he took his life. Heejin took most of the part in his downfall as she wasted money like water and when she got to know her husband is not in his sense she sold many of his properties and became an indirect reason. And when she got to know there is no use of her husband she made him take his own life by manipulating him for the insurance money But after his death she got to know they can't get insurance if some one willingly took their life. And this decision made her life completely changed she now had no source of income. that's when she ran into her best friend who is an orphan who is always in a miserable state when they were in high school. heejin always loved to hang out with eunji cause she like to show off her wealth and she always loved the reaction eunji give it made her satisfied  for making other jealous of her but seeing her friend who is now in much better position with a happy family it made her blood boil. She thought her happiness was all because of minhyuk so she planned to take it away from her. That's how she got here.

It's been 6 months since heejin lived in minhyuk's house and y/n and jin-ah got so close like real sisters and they are one of the reasons why heejin are not moving that's what the couple thought but they don't know she had other plans.
   Minhyuk never got good vibes around her but still for his wife and daughter's sake he can't complain and he also grown closer towards jin-ah he starts her as same as y/n


         Finally comes the day which changed his, his wife and his daughter's life to completely.

   Today minhyuk had to go to seoul for a meeting and heejin tagged along with him for the meeting. After the meeting ended they went for team dinner with other employees they had drinks slowly and alcohol took over minhyuk that's when heejin took his arms around her shoulder and took him to towards taxi that's the last thing he remembered and the next day he waked up naked with heejin beside him in a motel room.

(After a few days)

Back at jeungdo

   "Heejin-shi...I'm so sorry if I did something wrong that night but I don't think it's appreciated for you to still stay here as you already know I love my wife so much so hope you understand i already found a place for you to move and don't worry about jin-ah. She can visit whenever she want. Once again I'm so ashamed of what I did and I'm so sorry" said minhyuk still not remembering anything that happened that night and not sure if he slept with her. His heart is keep saying he didn't made any mistake but the women before him said something opposite to his thoughts. He thought she is right cause why would she lie about something like this.

  "Minhyuk-shi....do you think I will not tell your beloved wife that you cheated on her that to with her best friend who is me? What do you think her reaction would be?? She would go crazy right? But  if you give her divorce I won't tell her I promise you!" Heejin started to show her true colours with a dirty smrik

      "What's the heck are you talking?! Are you out of your mind ms.kim?! How can you do this to your friend?! I will never divorce my life and get out of my house rn! before I call the police" minhyuk said totally ragging with anger

   "Go ahead! I have all the proofs that you cheated on your wife I will tell them that you used me for your needs and now getting rid of me cause of your wife. Who do you think they'll believe?? Ofcourse a women right? That too a woman who is single mom, everyone will believe me if you did that you'll lose both your company, family and left as womanizer in front of your own daughter. To prevent all the nonsense just divorce your wife and marry me!"  Heejin said playing with her nails

Minhyuk raised his hand and slapped across her cheeks getting enough from her! He has been controlling himself all this time to not slap her but his lost it!

"I have never slapped a woman in my life my mother never taught me to raise hands at a woman but you do not deserve to be treated like a woman! Disappear from my sight before I do something i regret later" said minhyuk with disgust clearly written on his face

       "I think you didn't get me. You know how my husband died?? You know people used to say I'm so good at manipulating....some people said i killed my husband but i didn't I just told him to kill himself. I just told him the benefits if he kill himself and he did! So how come it's my fault?! He is the one who killed himself! I'm going to do the same if you keep rejecting my offer I too don't want eunji to die cause y/n is still young right? I don't want her to be motherless...eunji will be more easy to manipulate than my husband as you already know she believes me so much! I don't want her to die so think okay?? I don't take rash decisions" said heejin and went from there before tracing his cheeks

                        Flashback end

Again double update! How is the chaper? Let me know in the comment section! And don't forget to vote if you like it!

      Randomly missing this gummy teeth guy!🐱💜

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