Part 2

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"Get the hell back here, Langa!" Reki shouted, running through the small rooms.

Langa laughed as he ran away from the redhead.

"You are so gonna pay, you jerk!"

Langa laughed louder at Reki's threats, running into the livingroom and hiding behind the couch before Reki could see him. The blue-haired boy covered his mouth in an attempt to conceal any more laughs, resulting in him quietly giggling as he heard Reki walking around looking for him.

"What happened with you two?" Nanako asked, holding a plate of food.

Reki turned to face her, and she had to forcibly hold in a laugh.

"Langa did this to me! I'm so gonna make him pay for it!"

Half an hour ago, Reki had fallen asleep on Langa's bed. The blue-haired boy didn't want to wake him, but a marker laying on his desk caught his eye. Now, Reki had drawings all over his face, and he was going to get his revenge.

"Come on, Langa! Come out and face me!"

There was no response.

"You better come out soon, Langa. Dinner is ready." Nanako spoke up, placing plates on the table.

"Fine!" Langa sighed dramatically, crawling out of his hiding spot.

"How the heck did you even fit back there!?" Reki shouted in shock.

"It's not that difficult. Anyway, can we settle this until after dinner?"

"Nope! You're going to regret doing this to me!" Reki yelled, running to Langa and pushing him onto the couch.


Langa tried to push the redhead off of him, but failed. Reki was determined to draw on Langa's face to get back at him.

"If you stop moving, it'll be over way quicker!"

"Come on, get off me!" Langa laughed, trying to cover how much he was panicking.

He knew his face was probably, no, definitely as red as Reki's hair right now, but he was hoping that Reki wouldn't notice. Or at least wouldn't say anything.

Langa eventually gave up, allowing Reki to draw whatever he wanted onto Langa's face. Once Reki was done, he crossed his arms in satisfaction.

"Can you get off of me now?" Langa asked.

"No, I think I'll stay right here for a bit-"

Nanako cleared her throat, standing with her arms crossed, leaning against the frame of the doorway. Both boys jumped up and moved away from each other, having forgotten she was there.

"When you two are done flirting, dinner is on the table."

This caused both of their faces to flush a bright red.

"Mooom!" Langa whined, covering his face with his hands.

"S-sorry, Nanako. We'll be right there."

Nanako smiled sweetly at them, "alright, but hurry up. The food is getting cold."

The two silently walked to the table and sat down. Dinner was mostly quiet.

"Wow, this is delicious!" Reki said excitedly.

"You really think so?"

"It is, as always." Langa smiled.

Nanako smiled brightly at them, "thank you, boys. Make sure you both clean off your faces before going to bed. Oh, that reminds me. Langa, do you have a place for Reki to sleep tonight?"

"I can set up a bed on the floor in my room."

"As long as Reki is okay with that, then it's fine."

"Oh, sure. I did kinda show up unexpectedly anyway."

"Are you planning on getting a shower? I can get more clothes for you."

"Ah, I don't want to trouble you-"

"No, it's alright. I can use the time while you're showering to set up the bed. I can get clothes for you as soon as I'm done eat-"

"Langa, are you sure showers are a good idea I this wheather?"

"Oh...right, sorry I forgot."

"I forgot too!" Reki spoke louder than he expected to, causing him to cover his mouth with his hands quickly.

The Hasegawa's both bursted into fits of laughter at this.

"Sounds like you two have been having too much fun to even pay attention to the storm. But if it doesn't let up soon, we might lose-" before Nanako could finish her sentence, all of the lights shut off, causing the room to go pitch black, "....power."

"Mom, do you know where the candles are?"

"Yes, come with me."

Langa took his phone out of his pocket, turning on the flashlight. Nanako did the same.

"I-I left my phone in Langa's room," Reki spoke quietly, but quickly.

"That's alright, just wait here. Mom and I are going to get the candles that we save in case of something like this."

"W-wait, you want me to stay here? By myself?"

"Don't tell me the great Reki Kyan is scared of the dark," Langa teased.

"I am not!"

"Then you'll have no problem staying here, right?"

Lighting crashed, the bright flash coming in through a window and lighting up the room for only a second. Reki screamed and jumped toward Langa, wrapping his arms around the slightly taller boy.

Langa brought his phone up, lighting up the area around them. The two made eye contact for a moment before Reki pulled away.

"Ah, s-sorry. I-I guess I do have a small fear of the darkness...and thunderstorms." Reki admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's alright, everyone is scared of something. Wanna hold my hand?"

Langa put his hand out, which Reki hesitantly and silently took.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but the candles aren't gonna light themselves, you know." Nanako cut in.

"Oh, right. Sorry," Langa began walking towards his mother, Reki following close behind.

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