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Kim's POV

                  I'm really happy and the sad same time. Because he didn't contact me after that. He didn't even ask about me? Didn't even know Kim is the one is here? He didn't know nothing about me. Right now I'm angry cause he said those words  it's hurts, idk why he say those hurtful words and he didn't sorry about that. I don't know how did face him after he said this..? I'm space out..
Inn tap my shoulder and Ai'Kim what are you thinking about man?

Inn....I'm really angry

Why?About kitty?

Yes .... You know that I'm not happy to see him...

But you are the one who remember him..

I know but right now I'm the one who didn't want to meet him...

Ai'Kim...After these years.. why are you still hanging that issue...

You don't  know Inn... how it hurts...needless to say you are not the one hurt... INN

Inn is really shocked to hear these words and he hugged me

I know KIM.. please take your time and don't hurt yourself like this man.


Ai'Kim I'm going to office bye ....

Inn about get out of my office he bumped someone...

He said sorry and didn't turn back as i saw he was running....

I chuckled softly to see those scenes and i welcome my dearest friend P'JOB.

P'JOB turned and saw him..asked me who is he?

Ohhh.....He..... he is my bestfriend INN

He murmured his name softly "INN"

P'JOB are you okay...?

Mm...yah ...I'm okay... Then we continued our work...oh sorry to forget ..... we worked the same project...


Chay's POV..

         I can't remember anyone in this name but his voice is familiar to me...Who is he? Why he bothering me?...

I saw his Instagram  again and again play that video... I got notification ...Shiaa he post a story ... what did I do? Did i saw or not...? Okay let it out .. i wanna saw his story..i opened his story ..I'm literally passed out because his pic...i saw his picture ...and i took the screenshot. I don't know why i did it? May be I think if he delete it i can't saw his face that's it.

I saw his picture again and again..Shit...again I missed because this handsome wearing mask,what should I do? Uffff...but he is hot and handsome..Bullshit Chay what are you thinking? You didn't who is he ? why am I like this.

Bullshit Chay what are you thinking? You didn't who is he ? why am I like this

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I called NAT and asked him why am I thinking like this?

He annoyingly said ....Hey man i wanna punch you...!

Why dude?

How could I know what do you think? You didn't tell anything and we are not connected in telepathy ... Okay I  guess you are thinking about P'WIK right?

I'm really blowed he know what I'm exactly think...hey..

NAT told "I'm correct , i think you like him "

Damn...! Suddenly I hang up the call and I'm thinking how could I like him , i don't know anything about him. Immediately i think about NAT conversation he said he saw the anonymous guy in my brother's insta story.

Obviously i called P'Inn without thinking....

Phi, Swadee krap.

Swadee kitty, what can I help you? Is anything important? Are you coming Saturday right...? Is there any problem?

Yes Phi, I'm coming Saturday but i want a favour

What? Just tell me..

Phi, Do you know P'Wik?


Yes,P'Inn i saw your insta story and his voice is really amazing my friend asked about him so i want your help...

Oh....! WIK..! That's my friend..

Ok...P' Did you have his picture? My friend ask me so... I know I'm lied, I'm sorry P' , I'm really want to saw his anonymous guy's face

Okay...I'll send you but he like someone...just told your friend advancely  because i don't want to your friend heartbreak

Oh... my voice stumbling..I'm about to Cry... Why my heart is aching ?...just before 6 hours that too i saw in the blue picture of him.why he made me weak...? Okay P'Inn i told my friend about this issue, i think i can handle it. Then send his picture P'Inn. I know he is hot going to be mine but i wanted to saw his face.After 5 minutes my phone vibrate to message tone.  I open it I'm really happy and my heart  stop  the beat in one second because of his angelic face.

  I open it I'm really happy and my heart  stop  the beat in one second because of his angelic face

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               Why this brat call me and ask KIM'S pic but he said WIK right...I think my little kitty lied to me,i know my brother well, kitty love my friend and finally he realised his soulmate. Even though you are my brother but you made my friend cry in 10 years before, so i want to take revange and i lied you..

I'm really happy to see you kitty but you are ready to face me,i wanna give you some tough time in this love issue ..
Times fly...


Chay's POV
             I called my brother and he said i waiting for airport entrance. I'm really happy to see him I'm running to him but I'm shocked because of P'WIK..... waiting with my brother.

 waiting with my brother

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