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Third person P.O.V

It was a Sunday evening and the avengers were packed into the living room watching the new minions movie, by Tony's request. Nat was cuddled into Wanda's side lulling in and out of sleep. Last night was yet again plauged with nightmares for the young redhead, no matter how much time had passed since she was in the redroom the trauma wouldn't leave her. Everytime Nat closed her eyes, flashbacks of the cruel and unusual ways she was punished would come blaring to the surface and she couldn't seem to catch a break. She was finally drifting off, seeking comfort in her girlfriends arms when Thor's deafening voice broke the silence making her jump awake with a start. "Why are the small yellow creatures making that noise?" He asked the American soldier next to him. Steve however, did not reply and he was instead met with a harsh "SHHH" from Tony.

Wanda looked over at her girlfriend with concern written all over her face. "You okay, babe?" She asked Nat. Noticing her sudden movement. "Y- Yeah" Nat replied unconvincingly. It was clear to Wanda that her girlfriend had not been sleeping, she didn't need to use her powers to notice the dark circles under Nat's eyes. She knew something was going on with the love of her life but everytime she brought it up Nat would claim she just had a late night. She never believed her of course but chose not to bring it up. Nat would tell her if something was wrong, right? Wanda was too worried to let it slide this time and pulled Nat up by her hand "C'mon, baby. I need to talk to you" she said leading Natasha into her room.

Nat's P.O.V

Oh fuck. "Why?" I replied Harshly. Wanda leaned down and pecked my lips gently instead of answering, making my cheeks burn red. Wanda silently closed her bedroom door behind us and sat me down on the edge of the bed. "What's wrong?" I asked, desperate for answers. "I don't know, honey. You tell me". I held my breath. "Nothing , Babe" I replied shakily. "Why haven't you been sleeping? And don't you dare lie to me Natasha" No, no, no. What if she finds out how fucked up I am. What if she doesn't want me anymore. No, no, no this can't be happening I can't lose her!!!

"I c-ant" I choked out .
Tears stung at my eyes and I couldn't catch my breath. "Nat! Nat, baby look at me!" I could hear her yelling but not clearly. It felt like I was underwater. Wanda pulled me into her lap and laid my head on her chest. I was still sobbing but the warmth radiating off of her and her sweet perfume I've grown to love invading my senses soothed me a bit. "Shhh. talk to me, Nat" my tears stained her sweatshirt. I can't lose her.

"Shh" With my girlfriend rocking me and rubbing her hand up and down my back my sobs quickly dissolved into sniffles and she turned my head to face her, wiping the tears of my face. "Talk to me baby, you know I won't judge you" she spoke softly, making my heart melt.

"N-nightm-mares" my upper lip began to shake. "Okay baby, okay" she replied, pulling me back into her

Wanda's P.O.V

I kept rocking Nat until her sniffles died down and she felt heavier against my chest. I went to my now sleeping girlfriend down on the bed but she started whimpering and holding on to me tighter. "It's okay sweetheart I'm not going anywhere" I muttered and pulled us both under the covers. She quickly cuddled into me and I played with her hair to keep her calm. I made a mental note to ask Nat what her nightmares are about and drifted off to sleep with her head on my chest.

I woke up to Nat thrashing around beside me. I checked the clock at the side of my bed to see it was already 3.00 am, We were asleep for a lot longer than I thought. She kept moving in her sleep and whimpering Oh shit. "Nat, wake up for me baby. It's not real, it's just a dream" I said, lightly shaking her. "Come on, wake up honey".  Nat shot up panting, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "Oh, baby. You're okay" I assured. Leaning over to hug her. She melted into my embrace but started crying harder. I've never seen her like this before and it scared me.

"I-i'm s-sorry, i'm sorry" she choked out between sobs. "Shhh, don't be sorry. The nightmares aren't your fault" I replied, rubbing her back. "N-no, not f-for that" she whined, getting frustrated, cheeks burning red in humiliation. "What for,  baby?" I asked, confused. She couldn't possibly comprehend what Nat could have worked herself up so much about until she could feel and smell the evidence of it in their bed and watched as  the redhead frowned as if  debating something before pulling the duvet back to reveal a wet patch on her shorts. Poor baby, must've been so scared. She cried impossibly harder. "I di-didn't mean t-to m-make you m-mad" she said, hysterically. "I'm not mad sweetie. It was just an accident" This seemed to calm her enough to stop sobbing but silent tears still fell down her cheeks. "Come on baby lets go get you cleaned up" I said, crawling out of bed and helping her stand up. She shuffled to the bathroom on wobbly legs and I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. I ran her a bath and gave her some privacy while I went to change the sheets.                    


Third person P.O.V

By the time Wanda returned with fresh, lavender scented sheets and remade the bed,  Nat was out of the bathroom and in clean pajamas. "You okay, sweetie?" Wanda asked in a desperate attempt not to upset the already fragile girl. The shorter girl nodded nervously. Wanda leaned over to give Nat a comforting kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back in a second, babe." She said, picking up the dirty sheets to take to the washing machine and heading towards the door. Nat frowned. "Sorry" She forced out, her voice hoarse from crying. Wanda's heart just about broke as she reassured Nat another time, that it was okay.

A/N: 1090 words. Full warning, i'm not a very good writer.

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