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Nat's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to find I was no longer in Wanda's arms. I was back in the redroom. I looked down to see my hands and legs were not my own, they belonged to a different version of me, the 14-year-old version. I was locked in a room where the walls, floor and ceiling were all made of the same material, cold, hard granite. It was freezing and the only noise apart from my own cries of pain was the slow drip of rainwater through the cracks in the stone. It was enough to drive anyone insane.

I saw a shadow pass under the crack in the door and I pushed myself into the corner, curling in on myself and rocking back and forth. Two knocks on the door and I knew exactly what was about to happen. The door creaked open, Dreykov himself walked in. Holding a new device, even scarier than the last. I fought back the tears welling in my eyes, I was a widow, widows do not cry, widows are not weak. I pressed my back further against the stone, the burns on my back stinging more. "Hello Natalia" He spoke, emotionless. "I've got a new toy for you" I choked back a sob. One of the guards walked in behind him. The guard pulled me off the ground despite my struggle. He held my hands behind my back. I swung my leg back and kicked him in the groin but all he did was turn me to face him and slap me hard across the cheek.

I was too small, I didn't stand a chance. Dreykov placed the contraption on the floor, it had so many spikes. The guard kicked me in the back of the leg, causing me to fall on my knees. My left leg falling right inside it, like a bear trap . Dreykov stepped forward and turned the wheel...

I woke up to Wanda shaking me. "Natasha, baby wake up!" I woke up trying to catch my breath, I couldn't breathe, Wanda pulled me into her. "It's okay Malyshka, it's not real. You're safe now!". She tried desperatley to calm me down."Come on baby, copy my breathing" she said placing my hand on her chest. She rocked me back and forth until my heart beat slowed. "Thats it babygirl, let it out" She spoke, letting me sob on her shoulder. She just rubbed her hand up and down my back and hummed. Eventually, I stopped crying so hard. The occasional tear, still falling from my eyes. She placed a hand on my sweaty forehead, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Do you want to talk about it, Malyshka?" She asked, nervously. "I was back in the redroom an- and- and-" I started sobbing again, it was no use. "It's okay baby, you don't have to." I nodded into her shoulder. It was only then that I realised, my pajama shorts were wet and Wanda's must've been to, given the fact I was laying on top of her. Shit. I quickly jolted off her lap, causing her to look up in concern. "I'm sorry" I choked out. She knew exactly what I was referring to. "It's okay Nat" She said, smiling reassuringly. "No it's not, I'm n-not even little right now"I spoke, stumbling over my words. My hands, shaking. "Hey, hey, hey!" She said standing up and grabbing my hands. "In headspace or not, you're still a little. It's normal, Okay?" She wrapped her arm around my waist. "Okay" I spoke so quietly it was almost a whisper.


Wanda's P.O.V

It's the middle of the afternoon and Nat and I had just finished training, we were in one of Tony's many cars driving to the mall. I managed to convince my girlfriend to come shopping with me but what the redhead didn't realise was that we weren't going for the usual reason. We were going to buy her some well-needed little stuff.

"Where are we going?" My girlfriend asked, confused, noticing we were going in a different direction then normal. "You'll see" I replied shortly. She looked at me suspiciously and carried on walking. "Wandaaaa" she whined as I pulled her through the doors of 'Littles 'R us'. "Naaaaat" I spoke, mockingly. "Come on, babe" I said, pulling her into the bottle isle. Nat grabbed my hand when she saw how busy it was. "You okay?" I asked squeezing her hand. She nodded, blushing. "Ooh how about these ones?" I spoke, picking up a pack of pastel coloured sippy cups. Nat nodded, sheepishly. I put them in the trolley, along with the matching bottles. I dragged Nat all around the store, picking things for her as she wasn't much help.

She perked up a bit when we got to the Toy isle and picked out a couple of stuffed animals. I could tell she was well on her way to slipping. I pulled her into me and rubbed her back. "It's okay baby, you can slip. I'm right here" I whispered into her ear. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds and when she opened them they sparkled with innocence. She smiled, cutely. "Hi, princess" I cooed. " Hewo Wan Wan" she giggled. "Uppies" she said, reaching for me. "Up we go sweet girl" I spoke pulling her onto my hip.

I took her into the onesie section. "Dat one" she babbled, pointing to a white onesie with a picture of a bear painted on the bum. "Awhh" I said grabbing the smallest size I could find and putting it in the basket. I grabbed a few plain ones in each colour. Tony was paying after all. I grabbed some nappies when she wasn't looking and went to the till to pay,

A/N: I'm at a sleepover with my two fiends and they're making me sleep on the floor because I'm the only lesbian. These bitches honestly. One of them looks like Mo-mo the fucking robot from CBeebies, I'm not gonna fucking molest her the homophobic cunt.

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