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Third person P.O.V

Wanda loaded the shopping into the car, singing Disney songs on the way back. She was silently cursing herself for not getting Nat a car seat.

When they got into the compound Wanda made Mac and cheese for the both of them. Not bothering to clean the Sauce off of her girlfriend's face as a bath was definitely in the redhead's future.

Once the pair were washed and cuddled up to eachother in Wanda's bed, Nat started to whine. "Milky p'eas" she grumbled, pulling on the brunette's sleeve. Wanda sighed and pulled the redhead onto her hip, "Come on then, sweet girl" She spoke softly. "Which colour, baby?" She asked. "Dat one" The onesie clad girl babbled, pointing to a clear baby bottle with a pale yellow lid. "Good choice" Wanda Cooed, taking it out of her bedside drawer and walking to the kitchen.

On the way back, Natasha insisted on carrying it herself, causing them to stop a few times on the way so Wanda could pick the bottle up off the floor. The girl lacked the motor skills to be able to hold it for more than a few minutes. They got back in bed the second they reached the room. Wanda frowned as Nat struggled to drink from the bottle. "Here cutie. Let Wan Wan feed you" She said pulling the redhead onto her lap, her head resting on the brunette's arm. Nat whined as the bottle was pulled from her grip. "Shhh" Wanda cooed, slipping it into the little's mouth. She tipped the bottle up, avoiding any air bubbles. "Good girl" she awed as Nat sucked hungrily.

If someone told Wanda a year ago this is where she'd be, she would never have believed them. But there she was, feeding her gorgeous girlfriend like a baby lamb, watching her peacefully lull in and out of sleep and she wouldn't trade it for the world. "Go to sleep Malyshka" She whispered into the redhead's ear before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She replaced the now-empty bottle with a new dummy and pulled the girl on top of her, gently rubbing her back until they both fell asleep.
Wanda's P.O.V

I woke up at 2 in the morning to warm liquid spreading across my stomach. At first I thought it was one of the boys trying to prank me again but once I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes I realised it was Nat peeing. Fuuuckk maybe that bottle wasn't a good idea.

I gently pulled her off of me, shaking her awake. "Sweet girl, can you wake up for me, please?" I cooed. "W'at Wan Wan" she mumbled, only half conscious. "You had an accident Sweetheart, we need to get you cleaned up" Nat shot up, tears brimming her eyes. "I sowwy" she choked out. "Shh, it's okay baby" I assured, wrapping my arms around her. "No hit?" She asked, her voice muffled by my chest. My heart broke again. "Of course not Malyska, I would never hurt you, No one will ever hurt you again" I spoke, pulling her face up to look at me.

"Luv yoo Wan Wan" she babbled, squeezing me tighter. "I love you more baby". I decided not to give her a bath, due to how late it was. I set a blanket down on the floor, laying her on it. I unzipped her onesie, kissing her face every few seconds to keep her preoccupied. Her giggles, melting my heart. I peeled off her wet underwear and wiped her. I grabbed a nappy out of the dresser. "Can you wear this for me princess?" I asked, nervously. "Nooooo" she whined. "I a big 'irl" She teared up. "Of course you are, cutie. Big girls wear nappies sometimes to" I had no idea what I was saying at this point. "P'omise?" She asked, cutely. "I promise, do it for Wan Wan" I almost begged. "Otay" she answered at long last.

"Thankyou Sweetgirl" I said, hugging her. I taped the nappy around her hips. I pulled out a baby blue onesie and tried to pull it up my girlfriends legs. She kicked my hands away. "Come on baby, we gotta get you back to bed" I pleaded, out of exhaustion. She made no effort to Co operate so I gave up after the fifth attempt. Leaving her in just a nappy, it was the middle of summer after all so I'm sure she'd be fine. I pulled on a clean shirt and tucked us both back in bed. My girlfriend immediately snuggled into me. " Na' night Wan Wan" she mumbled. "Goodnight Cutie" I spoke before laying my head ontop of hers.
The next morning Nat woke up little Thank god, big Nat would not be too happy to wake up in nothing but a nappy. "Wan Wan!" She yelled, now fully clothed. "What's up baby?" I asked "Wan 'toons" She giggled, pointing to the Tv. "Of course Sweet girl, which one?" I scrolled through the kids section of Netflix. " 'Eppa pig" she babbled, clapping her hands. "What do you say, princess?" I spoke "p'eaaaaase" She grinned. "Good girl" I said laughing, before pressing play. I pulled the little onto my lap, checking her nappy which to my surprise was still dry. I figured she needed more fluids.

"Nat, stay here cutie. I'm gonna get us some drinks" She nodded, her eyes stuck on the screen.

I came back a few minutes later to find my girlfriend had not moved a muscle, I chuckled to myself before handing the redhead a sippy cup full of juice. I snuggled back into her, scrolling through my notifications. Nothing important, it was just the boys arguing in the group chat about.... Poptarts? I didn't have much time to dwell on it when I looked up to see Nat just holding the cup. "Nat, can you drink that please sweetheart?" I sighed. She whined before reluctantly bringing it up to her lips. "Thankyou angel"

It was time for mandatory team dinner and I didn't know what to do. Nat was still in her headspace with no sign of coming out. Our only option was for us to go anyway and see how well we could hide it.

I got Nat dressed in her big girl clothes, keeping the still-dry nappy on her just in case. I threw an oversized hoodie over her to hide her padded bum. "Come on, cutie. It's time for dinner with the boys" I said, grabbing her hand. "Uppies" She spoke, reaching her arms out. "I'm sorry Sweet girl, not right now" I said, cautiously. She whined."Want Wan Wan" She looked up at me with those big, sparkly eyes she knew I could never say no to. "Okay, Okay" I smiled, scooping her up in my arms. Tony better keep his mouth shut. I carried her into the dining room where Steve and Bruce were setting the table.

I felt my girlfriend grab tightly onto my shirt at the sight of the other boys. "It's okay" I whispered into her ear. She seemed to relax slightly at my words. "Hi guys" I spoke. "Hey Wanda, Hey....Nat" Bruce said, frowning. "Why are you car-" He was cut off by a death glare from Steve.

I focused on Keeping Nat calm as everyone Started to wonder in. I sat her in the chair next to me much to her dismay and kept a firm hand on her thigh. Everyone started eating and having their own conversations, mostly about battle strategies. Team dinners were always oddly domestic. I cut up Nat's food and fed bites of it to her when nobody was looking. She tried doing it on her own a couple of times which ended in chicken curry being spilt down her favourite hoodie.

"What's going on with Miss Romanoff?" Peter asked, innocently, watching me help the redhead hold the glass of apple juice. Peter spoke too loudly and the room fell silent. All eyes turning to us.

A/N: I don't really know what's happening in this story anymore but I'm going with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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