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Wanda's P.O.V

The redhead's sobs dissolved into sniffles and then light snores escaped her mouth, telling me that she was asleep. I gently placed Nat on the bed, tucking Ted under her arm and shushing her when she started to whimper. I looked down at her tear stained cheeks and felt my heart break in two. Tony better sleep with one eye open tonight.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, tell me when Nat wakes up" I whispered to the A.I "Of course Miss Maximoff" I heard back. I shut the door as quietly as I could and set out to cause havoc on my girlfriend's behalf. However, when I walked past Tony with a black eye and a broken nose, I knew someone had already done it for me. I frowned and walked into the living room in search of the others. A mix of Confusion and shock was painted on all their faces apart from Steve who was sat on the sofa visibly sulking as Bucky wrapped his bloody knuckles in gauze.

"What the fuck happened?!" I announced causing the boys to look at me. "Stark couldn't keep his mouth shut" Clint replied. "Steve thumped him" He added. Before I could say anything else the latter came stumbling in, holding a tissue up to his face. Oh god. I inwardly sighed. "Seriously guyss, why the longgg faces?" He slurred, drunkely. "We all know it's true, why'd youu think she's here in the firsttt place? No one wanted herrr. Thatt girll just isn't cut out to be an avengerr". My fingertips started to glow red and sooner or later I had two evenly sized balls of energy in each palm. I walked towards the supposed 'Superhero'. "You know what Ton-" I was cut off by J.A.R.V.IS's emotionless voice. "Miss Maximoff, Miss Romanoff appears to be awake and asking for you."

"It's your lucky day Stark" I almost growled, my accent shining through. "Cowardd" I heard from behind me. I heard one of the men gasp from behind me as I slammed Tony against a wall with my powers. "That was your only warning".

Nat's P.O.V

I woke up little and alone. There was no Wanda in sight and I was starving hungry. "Wan wan?" I babbled. I swear she was here when I fell asleep. Oh no. What if she realised how pathetic I am and left me. What am I gonna do without her? I quickly started to cry. "Wan Wan!" I yell, not caring who hears me. I hear a crash from outside and I cry harder "Scawy". A moment later Wanda came rushing in. I open my arms wide. "Wan Wan" I say relieved, quickly cheering up. "Hiya, baby" She coos. "What's wrong, Malyshka?" She asks concerned at the fresh tears in my eyes. "I wak' up an' youu not 'ere" I complain. "Oh, sorry sweetheart. I was just dealing with Tony, I'm here now" I frowned "I no wike 'ony" She chuckles. "No, me neither princess".

"What do you want for lunch sweet girl? it's nearly 2 o'clock and you haven't eaten anything today." She spoke, softly. "I nunno" I answered, truthfully. "Well how about... Pb&J?" No. I shake my head. "Chicken nuggets?" No. I shake my head again. "Umm... oatmeal?" No. I shake my head, getting frustrated. "You've got to eat something, cutie" She says laughing. I giggle. I point to the lucozade bottle, on the nightstand. "Milky" I say, nervously. "You can't just have milk baby." She says. I start to cry. "No, no princess,  shh" she soothes, rubbing my back. "How about you eat one sandwich and then you can have milky" She proposed. " 'ine" I answered, still slightly annoyed.

"Hey, baby is this the only little stuff you have?" She asks, referring to the plastic bottle, teddy and dummy. "Wes" I answer, proudly. She looks at me with sad eyes. I no mean to make Wan Wan sad. "Why oo sa'?" I asked, confused. "I'm not sad baby, you just deserve more stuff than this" she explained "Oh" I said, not really understanding, I had a bottle, a dummy and a toy, why would I need more? I kissed Wanda on the cheek trying to save the mood, she smiled and kissed me back.

"Come on, cutie pie" she said scooping me up in her arms and tickling my belly making me giggle. I snuggled into her neck as she carried me to the kitchen.

She placed me down on the stool and kept me occupied so I didn't get impatient. "What does a... cow say?" The brunette asked, getting the bread out of the cupboard . "MOO" I yelled, making Wanda laugh. "Good girl" I blushed. "What does a kitty say?" She asked " Das a hawd one" I frowned. "Quack?" I asked. "No, princess" she laughed. "Duckies say quack, kitties say Meow" She corrected. "Meee ow" I repeated, giggling.

Wanda finished making the food, a Pb&J for me Yum and a bowl of something green for her. "Was dat?" I asked pointing to her bowl as I nibbled on my sandwich. "It's a salad baby, you wanna try some?" I nodded and she put her fork in my mouth. Yuck. I pulled a face and swallowed, hesitantly. She laughed. "Yucky leaves" I said taking a bite of my sandwich to get the taste out of my mouth.

By the time Wanda had finished her bowl of grass, I had eaten half my Pb&J. " I full" I said, dropping my half chewed sandwich on the plate, my mouth covered in Peanut butter. "Can you take one more bite for me please, princess?" Wanda asked putting her empty bowl in the sink. "Noooo" I whined. "Nat, if you have one more bite you can have your milky" she said sternly. " 'ine" I muttered, quickly biting into it, not liking her tone. "Thankyou, sweet girl" she wiped my face and picked me up off the chair. "Milky 'ow?" I asked, getting impatient. "Yes, cutie" said the brunette, grabbing the bottle and walking over to the fridge.

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