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Wanda's P.O.V

I'm worried about Nat. Unhealthily worried. She locked herself in her room yesterday and hasn't been out since, I tried bringing her food but she just told me to leave her alone. She's been acting strange lately and I have no idea why. Nothing too drastic but she's been extremely clingy. Don't get me wrong, I love it when she's like that but... I don't know I'm probably worrying too much. Nat is a grown woman, she can take care of herself, so why do I keep feeling like she can't?

It's noon so I should probably get Nat to eat something. "Hey Steve!" I called out, seeing him sat on a stool at the table. "Hey kid" He replied, eyes glued to his phone. I got the peanut butter out of the cupboard. "Oh! have you heard from Nat today? She didn't show up for training." His eyebrows furrowed in concern when I let out a sigh instead of answering. "I don't know, Steve she wouldn't come out of her room this morning, somethings wrong."

"I'm sure she'll come around. Take good care of her, Wands. She's more vulnerable than you'd think." He said getting up and walking out of the room. She's more vulnerable than you'd think... What does he mean?

I got two plates out of the cupboard and placed the sandwiches on them for me and Nat and carried them to her room, replaying Steve's statement in my head. I reached her bedroom door and knocked twice. "GO AWAY TONYYY" She yelled. "Nat, baby. It's me. Can you let me in, Sweetheart? I brought your favourite. Pb & Js" I spoke, anxiously. I was seconds away from giving up when light footsteps, heading towards the door could be heard. "Fine" She muttered, no louder than a whisper. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her in one of my hoodies and fluffy socks. "Hi, cutie" I said, softly.

Nat's P.O.V

I was finding it increasingly hard not to slip around Wanda and her stupid pet names were certainly not helping. However, I could use the company so I sat back on the bed, her following behind me. She placed the sandwiches on my dresser and sat facing me. "What's going on with you, babe?"She asked, Green eyes staring at mine. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my lap, playing with my hands. She can't find out. "It's none of your business." I replied, trying to stay tough, but I couldn't help but feel small under her gaze. She grabbed my hands. "Nat, I am your girlfriend, It's all of my business." She answered, firmly. "Nothing, babe" If I had to be stubborn about this then so be it. "Okay, honey. You don't have to tell me now but I will get it out of you one way or another" I nodded Shyly. I knew she would.

"Now, please eat something" She said, grabbing the sandwiches. God she is relentless. "Fine" I said, smiling. I nibbled my sandwich while she put the tv on. "What do you want to watch, babe?" Wanda asked. Peppa pig. " I don't know" I replied, shrugging. I watched as she clicked onto a random episode of Grey's anatomy. She cuddled into my side while she ate. I tried to not get jam on my face but I knew I failed when Wanda looked up at me and laughed, grabbing a square of toilet roll from the bathroom and wiping my lips with it. I blushed furiously red. "You're supposed to eat it Nat, not wear it" she giggled. I leant forward until our lips met and I engulfed her in a sweet kiss. She blushed alongside me. We rested our foreheads together. "I love you, Nat". Time stopped. "I love you more" I spoke softly.

We were perfect, but she only knew half of me.


It was around 8 o' clock. We had just eaten dinner as a team and I couldn't find Wanda anywhere. She promised we would meet me in the living room to watch a movie after we ate but I stayed to help clean up and now she's not there. Clint sat on one of the arm chairs with his feet on the coffee table, reading a book. "You know how to read?" I asked snarkily. "No" He replies turning it around to reveal one of Lila's picture books. I shake my head at him. "Do you know where my girlfriend is?" I ask.

"She's in her room, I think" He says, not looking up from 'The very hungry caterpillar'. "Thanks" I reply, running off in search of her.

By the time I get there, Wanda's room is empty. Wanda's hoodie is on the ground along with the rest of her clothes. "Wanda!?" I call. "I'm in here baby!" She replies from the bathroom. For some reason my brain doesn't register the sound of the shower running until I've already opened the door to see her bare chest staring back at me. I was already finding it difficult to suppress my little side today with all the name calling and hugs from the girl. The last thing I needed today was her boobs in my face, normally i'd be turned on but today all I could think of was how badly I wanted to- how badly I wanted- "Nat?, Natasha?, baby?" Wanda grew more concerned as tears welled in my eyes and my legs sped off down the corridor before my brain could catch up. I shouldn't want it, I shouldn't want it, I shouldn't want it.

I slammed the door and locked it, ignoring the soaking wet Maximoff chasing me in nothing but a towel. My body racked with sobs as I landed face first on my bed, I knew Wanda could hear my cries but I was too little to care. I wanted her more than anything but I couldn't let her see me like this and that only made me cry harder.

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