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Wanda's P.O.V

Nat won't let me in. Her cries only seem to be getting louder and she won't reply to anything i'm saying, I'm not even sure she can hear me over how loudly she's sobbing. I need to hold her. I could just use my powers but I promised Nat on our first date that I wouldn't use them on or infront of her unless It was 'A life or death situation' as Nat put it. I don't even know what upset her in the first place. I'm still standing in the corridor, shivering but I don't care, I'm not leaving this door until Nat opens it. All I care about is her. "Nat!! come on baby girl! let me in!!" I try, yet to no avail. Her sobs get more and more heartbreaking, I don't know what to do. Tears pool in my eyes, Nat's wails just sound so.. painful. I remember the lullaby my parents used to sing to me and Pietro before they died as a desperate attempt to calm Nat down.

"We've been waiting for you
'tie mi ʃaˈjaɫəm
Now you are here
ˈʃiɪdeŋ ˈti e ˈʃte
More perfect than I imagined
ˈdrage wo sto ˈmisliɫəm
Our house is now a home (our house is now a nest)
ˈdom naʃ ˈʃiɪdeŋ ˈgnieʒdo
No matter where you go
bez veˈdeɪ̆ doˈkude ˈjiʃiʃ
Sunlight shines on you
ˈʃiʒa ˈsunso nad tiˈe"  

Nat's sobs turn into light sniffles and I couldn't be more relieved. I can tell Nats getting sleepy. "I love you babe, goodnight" I say through the door. "Lu yoo" I hear faintly, followed by light snores. I get up and go back to my room, I change into my pajamas, grab a pillow and lie on the floor outside Nat's room. I'll  be damned if I was even going to think about leaving her. I fell asleep not long after.

Third person P.O.V

Nat woke up at midnight to a new warm feeling between her legs. She looked down to see a growing wet patch on her joggers. It was uncomfortable but she was too little to care. She only had one thing on her mind. She stumbled out of bed and bent down inside her wardrobe to retrieve a small shoe box from the back. This was her little box, nobody knew she had it. She tipped out the contents onto the floor of her bedroom, it really wasn't a lot but it was enough for Nat. A raggedy teddy bear, in dire need of a wash, an empty lucozade sport bottle (It was the closest thing to a baby bottle she could find), one of Wanda's hoodies and a single, baby pink dummy.

" Hi Ted" She babbled, squeezing the bear "I miss'd oo" She put the dummy in her mouth and pulled Wanda's hoodie over her head with only a small amount of struggle. Nat, deeply inhaled, seeking comfort in the smell of her girlfriend's perfume. She tucked Ted under her arm and picked up the plastic bottle. The suckling sounds from her dummy filling the room as she stumbled to the door in her soaking bottoms. She swung the door open and her brows furrowed at the sight of Wanda laying on the ground with only a pillow.

"Wan Wan col'" She muttered grabbing a blanket from her room and draping it over the sleeping beauty. She kissed Wanda's cheek as gently as she could with the dummy in her mouth in hopes of not waking her. Little Natasha continued on her travels, up the stairs to the kitchen as quietly as she could so none of the avengers woke. Once she made it to the kitchen she placed Ted on the counter and unscrewed the cap of her bottle, filling it with milk and putting it in the microwave for a few seconds. She took it out a second before it beeped. She was about to grab Ted when she heard footsteps. Nat whimpered loudly, too loudly and ran as fast as she could back to her bedroom careful not to trip over Wanda on the way.

She dived under the covers and pressed her bottle to her lips. Sipping the warm liquid slowly, secretly wishing it was Wanda's. Her sheets were still damp and she missed Ted but she was far too scared to get up again and look for him so she kept sucking on the lucozade bottle until her eyes drooped.


Wanda's P.O.V

I woke up on the ground outside Natasha's room. Not the comfiest way to start your day but Nat needed me. My brows furrowed at the sight of my girlfriend's blanket on top of me. That definitely wasn't there when I fell asleep. "Morning sunshine" Tony said, leaning over me sipping his coffee. "Piss off" I replied. "Why are you on the floor?" He asked, genuinely confused. "Uhhh, Nat locked me out" I said, trying to be as vague as possible. Tony just nodded and kept walking. I looked up to see my girlfriend's door unlocked. Thank god. I took a deep breath before walking in. Okay that definitely wasn't what I was expecting. Nat was lying on her belly, a half filled bottle of milk hanging from her lips, a dummy on her pillow and a wet patch on her bum. I was confused to say the least. "Nat, wake up for me please baby" I drew shapes on her back and played with her hair. Nat grumbled and stirred in her sleep before realising what was happening and sitting up quickly.

Nat started to cry the second she saw me and pulled the duvet up to her neck in a poor attempt to hide the scene infront of me. "Shhhh Baby, what's wrong?" I asked still trying to soothe the poor girl. "oo gonna hate 'e" she choked out through her sobs. "I love you so much baby, I would never hate you" I reasurred. "Pr'mise" she muttered. "I promise, sweetheart. Now can you tell me what's going on?"I asked, hopefully. "I a wittle" she looked up at me with innocent eyes.

Now everything made sense. Of course she was a little, how did I not realise?!

"Thank you for telling me princess, let's go get you cleaned up." I spoke softly, lifting Nat into my arms. Nat looked up at me with the sweetest smile I've ever seen, I could tell how long she'd been hiding this part of her and how relieved she was to finally tell someone. I ran her a bath and gently swayed her in my arms as I waited for it to fill. She tucked her head into my neck. "Come on baby, lets get you out of these yucky clothes" I beamed. "Do you want to do it yourself or can I help you?" I asked gently. "Wan Wan" she mumbled pointing at me. "Okay, sweet girl. Arms up" I said as I peeled my hoodie off of her along with the rest of her clothes.

I gently lifted her into the bathtub and hummed a lullaby as I washed her hair.

"How old are you babygirl?" I asked softly. "Dis many" she babbled holding up two fingers.

A/N: Let me know if you think I should continue this story because I feel like it's shit

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