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I would introduce myself... but I'm not sure what to call my name.

I'm sure I had one. I'm sure my parents gave me a good name. A strong name. A name to reflect the son they wanted... but then they had me.

I was born premature. My skin and eyes were yellow, my lungs were weak, and my heart didn't beat right. My heart still doesn't beat right.

I can't run around like other kids. I can't play tag or ball or anything really. I like to build things. That's something I can do. I have Legos. Not a real set or anything just loose pieces that have been donated to the orphanage.

That's where I am. My parents couldn't take care of a sick child. I like to believe that they had no other choice but to give me up. I like to believe they loved me so much they thought the government could take better care of me. Give me a better chance... if that's what they thought they we're wrong.

I am dying.

I heard the workers talking about it. I knew I was sick. I knew I was going to die sooner than the other kids but now I know I'm on the clock. In one month the government will no longer fund my care.

I'm going to die in a month.

"Bub!" Little Lee yells as she runs into the room. "Come play with me, bub!"

Lee is 6 years old and has claimed me as her big brother. She's only been here a year. She's had a few families interested in her but the workers said she always "runs them off" I don't know how, Lee is a little angel.

"Maybe not today squirt." I tell her. Just getting out of bed over to the chair I'm sitting in was hard this morning. I was panting for breath and I don't want her seeing me like that. It's a funny thing my heart is what's messed up but it makes it so I can't breath. You'd think it was my lungs that didn't work just by looking at me.

"Please?" Lee begs and I sigh. She's my only joy in the world and I'll be dead in a month so why not play with her?

"Sure, LeeLee but we got ta go slow." I warn her.

"Stop sounding like an old man, bub! You're only 8." She says and I force a smile. Yup, I'm 8 years old and nearly dead.

"Lee." I say giving her a pained frown and she calms down.

"Bad day?" She asks and I nod. "Well, we can just go watch a movie and relax then." She grins up at me taking my hand.

Lee helps me down the stairs to the living area. I don't even want to think about how hard it will be to get back up them later tonight. I can only do about 3 before I feel like I'm gonna pass out and have to stop for a few seconds.

"Move weakling." An older boy says pushing me off of the couch an hour into the movie. My little guard jumps up kicking him in the shin.

"Leave my bub alone you bully!" She yells.

"He's a dead man walking. A waste of space. You should find better friends kid..." he says ruffling her hair. "or at least ones that will live past their childhood"

"Don't touch me!" Lee yells hitting his hand away.

"What ever runt." The guy scoffs before leaving.

"Like you even know what a runt is." I hear her grumble then something about her father being high ranking before she makes it over to me and I can't catch the rest. "Come on bub. Let's get you back on the couch."

"Actually Lee." I pant trying to get up. "I think... I'm gonna... head... to my room."

"I'll go with you! We can build something and..."

"Lee." I cut her off. "He was right... I'm sick and not getting better... you should find another friend."

"A good sister, and I am your sister now, doesn't abandon her brother cause he's sick... even if he's being a grumpy pup." She tells me.

"Pup?" I ask.

"Never mind... just know I'm not leaving you. You're my big brother." She says and I smile.

"Alright squirt... help me up the steps?" I ask and she grins taking my hand.

It takes a while. Just a couple of steps at a time. But eventually we are back in my room.

I really hope Lee finds a home. She deserves better than this place.

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