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Silas is a stupid head!

I'd call him other words, but mom is a fan of mouth soaping. Yuck!

He finally showed he's strong, and now he's whining about it!

"I don't know what to do, LeeLee. It seems wrong to push people around like that." He says, finishing his story about his day at school.

"Sounds right to me. You are the most dominant wolf in your class. They should respect you." I shrug not getting why he's being so fussy about this.

"I didn't like it when people treated me bad... I can't treat people like that." He mumbles. I guess he has a point...

"Then be nice to everyone." I advise. "But you gotta stick up for yourself when they challenge you. The easiest way to lead is fear, but I guess you could try being nice. You just have to be ready for a fight cause the other wolves will see it as a sign of weakness."

"Silas!" We hear someone yell from outside the tree house where we are hiding. "Come on, pup! Alpha said You have an appointment. You're late!" Jay continues.

"Crap." Silas groans. "I forgot about that." He sits up and kisses my forehead. "Thanks for the talk, Leelee... hopefully, I can learn to be half as strong as you."

I think I might need to help my big brother out a bit.

Silas POV

"So, what do I have to do?" I ask as Jay and I enter the doctor's office where Uncle Scott is waiting with a doctor.

"Well, we start with a blood test. Then, we give you a medication that pulls your wolf side out. Once he is in control, we ask questions to see how he ranks in the wolf hierarchy." The Alpha wolf explains.

"I don't like needles." I grumble.

"I'll be here with you, pup." Uncle Scott says, ruffling my hair. "I can call your pop over too if you need him."

"I'm not a baby!" I growl then look at the doctor with the needle and gulp. "Just do it quick, please." I close my eyes and look away while holding my arm out.

I stare at the needle as it goes in because it's worse if you don't know it's coming. Once I have a bandaid over the hole, I breathe more easily.

"Good job, Si. Now, one more prick for the meds to help your wolf side take control, and we're done with the needles." The doctor says, and I nod. It's like I'm sick again. I didn't miss the needles.

When the doctor pushes down the plunger, I can feel my muscles relax. "What exactly does this... do?" I ask concerned something is going wrong. I thought it would just do something in my brain to make my wolf side more prominent. Why is it affecting my body?

"You should feel your body relax, then your head will get a little fuzzy. You will still be awake, but the primal part of your brain will be stimulated while the rest of you is calmed." Is the explanation. I sluggishly nod as I feel the brain fog start. After a few minutes, I feel myself growl.

"Silas, you still with me, pup?" Uncle Scott asks.

"Alpha." I grunt with a nod of respect.

"How do you feel?" He asks, and the answer is simple.

"Irritated." I grumble. "Can't move much. Want to... grrrrrr!" I can't explain why I'm upset. I don't like this feeling!

"It's okay, bub. You're okay." Jay says, going to hug me, and I growl at him.

"Not okay, Gamma!" I roar and he bows his head.

"Silas." The Alpha says in a command. I look to him seething. I can't handle the lack of control. I finally understand. I stare into his eyes. Neither one of us look away from the other for a long minute. I know why this bothers me. I've never been in control of my life, my destiny. I was always weak. I'm not that anymore. I don't like being vulnerable, weak, helpless. "I am your Alpha, pup. Submit or challenge. Your choice."

I lower my eyes finally realizing the challenge I was making. "Sorry, Alpha." I feel his hand on my head and it actually calms me. I turn my head into my Alpha's palm and breathe a sigh of relief. I don't know what is going on!

"Oh, pup, you are something special." He sighs. I feel my eyes slowly close and open. I'm so tired. "You are truly amazing, Si." He turns to the doctor. "How much longer?"

"He'll be out any minute no..." I don't hear him finish the word before I'm asleep.


"What was that?" I ask my Alpha. I can't believe I submitted to a pup!

"I may have an answer." The doctor pipes in.

"Enlighten us." Alpha Scott says as he takes a seat by Silas's head, still stroking his hair like a concerned parent.

"You said his transition to wolf was difficult, right Alpha?"

"It took all my power and energy to force him to stay alive. I could barely stand afterwards. It took weeks before I didn't have to nap after lunch just to get through the day." The Alpha says shocking me. I knew it was difficult but I hadn't realized just how much it took out of him.

"I think you put a bit of your Alpha power into the boy. You forced him to stay alive, and his body stored that power to fuel his wolf side." The doctor says.

"So.... he's an.... Alpha?" This idea shockes me as Alpha Scott slowly voices it. Could a bitten wolf be an Alpha? I've never heard of that!

"No.... but I'd guess he's close... from that exchange I'd say his primal side sees you as nearly his father, Alpha, savior. He's like a second born son of an Alpha. Not strong enough to be an Alpha but stronger than most."

"A Beta... usually a second born son becomes a Beta... too powerful for anything less." Alpha Scott says.

"An exceptionally strong Beta if I were to guess. He kept eye contact with you subconsciously. He didn't look away until you ordered him to. Most wolves wouldn't have been able to do that." The doctor adds.

"So little Si outranks me." I say. It's hard to believe.

"Not yet." Alpha Scott says. "But he will... we'll have to start training him with you and Luke... he's going to be playing catch up and he's so much younger."

"Well, the Beta's son is the same age ad Silas. We were always going to have a young Beta." I point out.

"But Si" my Alpha sighs shaking his head. "Poor kid is just getting comfortable with wolf culture. How much is too much?... I feel connected to the pup... I think my wolf side has taken him as my own. I feel responsible for him like nothing I've felt before."

"It's because of how much of your power it took to change him. He is your family... you will likely always be protective of the boy. Like a second father to him. I'm sure you've noticed it before now." The doctor says.

"Yeah, I have." He nods. "The next few years are going to be interesting."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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