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Silas POV

"Come on girl. You've been adopted." The workers says taking Lee by the arm when she refuses to go.

"Rsecw uoy! Mi otn oigng twhiuot imh!" She shouts her gibberish language. I really wish I knew what she was saying.

"Shut up girl! The boy is coming too." The worker yells back and she quiets down.

"Me?" I ask confused.

"Yes, you stupid worthless invalid. Someone actually decided to take pity on you. Lucky break." He says grabbing my arm with his free hand. We were thrown in the back of a car and driven to a more tourist centered area. Once in front of a hotel we are taken out and brought into the building. Our destination was in the third floor and the worker didn't like how long it was taking me to climb the stairs. "Just come on you worthless bastard." He growls at me picking me up so we can move faster.

The worker knocks on the door and the man from the couple who came to see Lee yesterday answers the door.

"Moce ni!" He smiles speaking a language I don't understand.

"Go." The worker directs us and we enter the hotel room. The woman is in there as well and she has a big smile in her face.

"Tsi icne ot ese uoy otbh." She says as I look around. Is this really how you get a new family? I can't understand a word they say. They smile a lot though and I'm not used to that. I like it.

"I vhea hte aprep rowk yraed." The worker says as he walks over to a table and places some paper work down.

"What's going on?" I say to myself and the lady comes over to me.

"Lehol, ym anem si hcraile." She says pointing to herself and I give her a confused look. I glance at Lee but she just shrugs not understanding her either.

"Silas." She says pointing at me. "Leanne." She points at Lee. "Charlie." She points to herself... oh names!... my name is Silas? How does she know? No one uses my name only insults. I didn't know what it was... I kinda like it.

"Lee." I correct her pointing to Lee. "Not Leanne." I shake my head.

"Lee." She nods smiling at us both."uoy acn lcal em Mom fi uoy awtn." The only word I understood was mom. I've heard that in many languages. Is she saying she is my mom now?

"Mom?" I ask and she smiles.

"Esy I ma uoyr Mom onw, nad htsi si uoyr Dad." She gestures for the man who walks over with a smile.

"Yhe dbudy, tsi icne ot ese uoy. Uoy erday ot og mohe?" The man says and I look to the woman.

"Dad?" I make sure and she nods.

"Esy, Dad." She responds. She said Yes! It had to be! She said the same word when I asked about her being my mom and she nodded. Okay I'm getting this!

"Hety rae uoysr onw." The worker says to the to adults.. mom and dad before leaving us.

"What do we do now?" I ask Lee and she shrugs.

"Uowdl uoy ygus kile a ridnk?... ew veha twear." The man, dad, asks holding out a bottle of water to each of us. "Twear" He repeats his word. So that's water... he's asking if we want water. I nod taking both bottles. I take a drink of one and it tastes fine so I hand it to Lee before taking a drink of the other one.

"Thank you." I tell them but they just smile. I guess they can't understand me either.

Charlie POV

I could tell this was overwhelming the children. They spoke in the language of this country which sadly I don't understand. I can tell Silas is trying to figure out what we are saying while Leanne, sorry Lee, is soaking in all that is going on. I see the little girl watching as we sign the papers with a questioning look. I know she knows we are wolves but beyond that she seems confused by everything that is going on.

"Would you like to meet your brothers?" Jack asks the pups who look at each other speaking quickly and looking worried. "Silas, Leanne." He crouched down to talk to the kids.

"Lee." Silas corrects him and I chuckle causing my mate to look at me.

"Our little girl apparently goes by Lee. I was corrected earlier." I tell him and he nods.

"We have 5 other children. They are in the other room." He says pointing to the door that connects the rooms. "Would you like to meet them?" The two begin to speak amongst themselves again and he sighs. "I guess we should just go for it. The boys won't wait much longer."

Jack walks over to the door and the two children back up. I see Silas slowly slip in front of Lee but his breathing is getting heavy.

"Wait Jack." I stop him and nod towards Silas. How can we explain what is going on so that they don't panic? I got it!

I get in my purse and pull out a little pouch where I keep many family pictures so they are always with me and walk over to the kids sitting on the floor next to them. I show them a family picture with us and our 5 boys. Silas takes it and examine the picture.

"Mom." Lee says pointing to me.

"Dad." Silas adds pointing to Jack. They say some other words pointing at the boys.

"Our sons." Jack says pointing to the boys. "Are in the other room." He finishes pointing to the door. "Do you." He points to the kids "want to see." Pointing to his eyes. "Them?" He points to the photo then the door. After a bit more chattering they both nod and Jack goes to the door again.

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