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Charlie POV

"I got the Alpha's approval." My husband tells me and I jump up.

"Really!?" I cheer. "I get my baby girl!?"

"Yes, we got approval to adopt. There are a lot of pups displaced due to the unrest with the hunters over seas. He gave me the contact information for a international adoption agency with a werewolf case agent to help us out." Jackson explains.

"Have you called yet?" I ask unable to hide my excitement and he chuckles.

"I was waiting for you, my queen."

"Call now!" I order and he pulls out his phone, dialing the number, and putting it on speaker.

"Rainbow kids adoption agency. Connecting families all over the world. This is Darrius how may I help you?" A man answers.

"Hello this is Gamma Jackson. Alpha Scott gave me this number." Jack says.

"Yes Gamma I was expecting your call. I have a list of wolf children in front of me now... I have to tell you it's a long list. Hunters have torn apart so many packs over here. It's hard to place the pups in near by packs when they are all afraid they will be next... I'm happy to hear you want to make my list one child smaller." Darrius says. "Can you tell me what you are looking for in a pup so I can find you a match?"

"Charlie?" My mate prompts me to answer.

"Well we have 5 boys so we were hoping to get a little girl. I'm far to outnumbered here." I chuckle. "I was hoping for her to be younger... 8 at the oldest. I respect people who can take in an older child but I'd like to be able to be the one to raise my pups biological or adopted."

"That's actually normal. Most people want a younger child... let me see what I can find... yes here I have a girl... she's actually of a Gamma bloodline. Her parents died in a hunter raid. A few families have come to see her but none have really clicked. I hear she is quite the fire cracker. Age... 6 name... Leanne... I think she'd be a good match considering a common wolf wouldn't be able to handle the child of a ranking wolf... if you are up for the challenge that is." He tells us.

"Can we see a picture?" Jack asks.

"Yea, look on our website her name is Leanne Orlave. Call me back when you've decided."

"Thank you Darrius." I say.

"Any time Gammas. I hope you find you new pup." With that he hangs up and we pull out the laptop looking at the rainbow kids website.

It seemed like hours scrolling through pages of children in desperate need of a home. It breaks my heart to see so many.

"We can't save them all, Charlie." Jack says as a tear falls down my face. I see a little boy that I can't help but click on.

"Silas... odd name for his country." Jack says seeing the boy that caught my eye. "I thought we were looking for a girl?"

"We were... are... something about him just stuck out... look he loves to build things. I bet he and Paul would get along well." I say and he nods.

"It also says that he loves helping the other children and has a big heart. That's always a plus in my book." Jack says. We scroll through his profile until the end when I freeze. "Well he's definitely not a wolf... sorry Charlie. I guess he's not meant for us."

Seeing those big words attached to such a sweet boy broke my heart. I felt like he was meant to be my son the moment I saw him but I can't be the mother of a child so sick I can't even pronounce his diagnosis. Plus he is human but something inside me says he's my son. I can't even look at the screen any more.

"I need some air." I say running from the computer as if that will fix it all.

When it came time for bed all I could think of was the little boy with the big words attached to him. I pull out my phone and look it up.

Those big words equate to a heart condition that has an extremely low chance of survival. I had to be wrong thinking he was meant to be my son. How could I take this little boy from his country, drag him across the world in a plane, and turn his life upside-down just to watch him die. I'm not that strong. I set the phone down and close my eyes.

"I looked it up too... I feel for the boy. I hope he finds a good home." Jack says before hugging me. "I thought he was ours too."

The next day we opened the computer again. It took everything in me to scroll past one certain little boy until we found a blond girl with pale skin. It was a surprise considering the people from the country she is in typically have darker skin and hair... much like Silas.

"Wow." Jack says looking at the little angle. "She's a fire cracker for sure."

I look at little Leanne's about information and smile. At six years old her interests include football, which I guess is soccer, gymnastics, and martial arts. She's definitely a gamma's child. I think she would be perfect. A shy little thing wouldn't last long with our boys though we'd all treat her as our little princess. Our youngest is 14 so it's certain they will be protective of such a little thing. No one will mess with her. I get the same knowing feeling as I did yesterday. This is my daughter.

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