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Eventually though, she was able to spot the back of his head. "Erend!" She waves in his direction as he was hanging around with his buddies. Erend hears her voice and turns around. "Ah, hey, A-loy..." he says, his voice slurred. Aloy notices the change of his tone, rolling her eyes. "Have you been drinking again?"

He stumbles himself a bit closer to her. "Nah, totally haven't."

"That wasn't meant for you to answer, I know you have. I can smell the Scrappersap on your breath... Plus, you're slurring every word."
"What can I say? It's an Oseram thing, Aloy, you should know that..." Erend opens his arms.

Aloy crosses hers, shaking her head at him. "I'm aware of that. Don't make me slap you back into this world, since I really don't want to. If I must, I will, though. How do you guys even drink that stuff anyway? It's disgusting."
"No, no, you don't need to do that. Also, Oseram secret." He winks playfully.

"Pull yourself together, Erend," she demands, rolling her eyes again, "I have a lot to catch you up on."


"I don't know, I was a chieftain of a Werak, made it through Thunder's Drum, you remember all that?"

"Oh, right. That." He hiccups. "I remember."

"Sure doesn't sound like it. Look, try and figure out a way to sober up and I'll catch you up on everything. Deal?" She uncrosses her arms.

"Yeah. Sure. Deal." He shakes his head and then turns away for a moment. "By the way, that was an act. I wasn't really that drunk." His voice returns to normal and he turns back toward her.

Aloy rolls her eyes at him. "Wow. Way to be an actor. Seriously though, I could've almost believed you."
"Not to say I haven't been drinking, 'cause you know I have, but I'm not wasted."

"You're smart enough not to get that far. At least when you know I'm around." She recrosses her arms, looking him dead in the eyes. "Because you know what would've happened."

"Which is why I decided to play the act," he shoots her a dumb smile, "to see your reaction."

She sighs pathetically. "Okay. I see." She looks at the group he was hanging out with and raises a hand in greetings and in farewell. Erend turns and waves in farewell and they all do the same as Aloy pulls him away from the group. "Save me!" He shouts as she pulls him away from the group. He laughs a bit at himself.

"Quite the joker today, are we?"
"Is it bothering you?"

"Only slightly."

"Okay, okay, fine, I'll stop it."
Aloy stops and lets go of him, now in a little less crowded area. "So, ready to hear about my adventures with the Banuk?"

"Let's hear 'em. What'd you do up there? How'd Thunder's Drum go?"

"One question at a time, Erend. One question at a time."

"Sorry. Go ahead and tell me."

Aloy starts by talking about the journey there, explaining what she saw with the moon and how dumb she felt after finding out what it was, and then going into depth about Thunder's Drum and how they got into it. She explains how it wasn't all that easy and that it was also a cauldron that had been taken over by the "daemon". She tells Ourea's story along with Aratak's and even CYAN's, too, and then about the shadowy sun that turned out to be two giant Stormbirds that she took down with ease... well, kind of. They may be a challenging machine because they're flighted, but Aloy's just an excellent huntress so it seems nothing gets in her way.

I Will Always Have A Minute For You [Ereloy]Where stories live. Discover now