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"Sounds like you had it rough. I'm glad you made it back in one piece," he says, after she finishes her story.

"Well, you know me. I would've made it back in one piece anyway," she retorts, kind of cockily, "because I refuse to let my fire burn out."

"That's a good way to put it. You definitely have a fire about you."

"You're not the first person to say that, but I'm very aware of my fire." She laughs a bit. "Thunder's Drum and cauldron EPSILON were tough, but I'm glad we got through it. Even if we did have to lose a life in the process... I just hope Aratak's doing okay."

"I'm sure he'll be just fine. I was after losing Ersa."

Aloy nods. "You've got a fair point, but everyone grieves differently."

"That's true. But hearing about him, and knowing a little about the Banuk tribe makes me have faith that he'll be fine."

"Considering he's already going after groups of Fireclaws when I return to The Cut, yeah. I can believe that."

"Wow... So you said that those Fireclaws are the rest of the Daemon's being?"

"Or so I hear. A lot of the machines up there were corrupted by the daemon and its control towers. They're a lot like our corrupted machines here, but slightly stronger than them, even. And before I can even think to completely take them down..." She pauses for dramatic effect, "...I have to either override or destroy the control tower, or they'll constantly be healed."

"So, basically, a hard mode?"

"I guess, but they're still not all that bad when you're stealthy and can get to the control tower before they see you."

"If you're good at that."

"I happen to be decent at it, thank you." She turns her head toward him.

"I'm joking, Aloy. I know you are, I've seen you fight."

"More than once."

"Because I've been around you so long. Not that that's a bad thing."

"I wouldn't think so."

The two continue to talk with casual banter and joking around with each other and never really find a chance to really stop their conversations. It just continues on an on; they're always asking questions and answering them for the other, never catching a break.

A little while passes and they're wandering around the city, deciding if they should take some time to head back to the maizelands or somewhere else - maybe even closer to Pitchcliff? No, Pitchcliff's too far.

They decide on a happy medium - Meridian Village, which is a little different than the capital city Meridian. There was never a real reason as to why it was the same name. It was a little further out than the Royal Maizelands but not as far as Pitchcliff (or even as cold, might he add), and it made everyone just a slightly bit happier. As they wander through the main city and closer to the village, they hear many people talking about anything and everything, maybe even the latest city gossip - not that you could really call it that - about who liked who and all of that. Some would even say they could be the latest talk of the town, as they spend a lot of time together. With the way they act around each other as friends, one could consider them a 'couple'. They knew they weren't, but no one else didn't. As they walked around the city, some people were talking subtly about them by not directly using their names in what they were saying. It was obvious to Aloy, but she couldn't say anything, knowing that it would just make matters worse. Erend, though, was oblivious - he was too busy telling his own stories to really notice. Yes, Aloy was listening to him, but she was also really good at listening to others at the same time. She'd have to bring that up with him later, after his story was done and when they approach Meridian Village. They were getting closer to the village, but they were still only just outside the main city's gate. Ugh, this is gonna be a while at our current pace.

More and more of the Carja begin to notice their presence.

'Look, there they are!'

'Aren't those the two I keep hearing about?'

'She's way too good for that oaf.'

'They're pretty cute, not gonna lie.'

'I saw her with the Sun-King the other day, and he looked so into her.
She's really a go-getter, isn't she?'

'Look at the way she's just paying attention to him and the way he looks at her!

That might be normal, but I just can't get over it!'

'There's no way they aren't a thing!'

'Do you think she puts her hair up like that for him?'

All these comments and not a single person is going to shut them up. She can't either, knowing it'll just make them think even more. She slides a few paces away from Erend, but still close enough to hear him finish up his story. She acknowledges it, nodding in understanding of his story-telling. She continues to ignore the comments about them being a thing as she knows the truth, but doesn't have the heart to ruin their fun. Well, okay, she does, but she'd rather them keep going at the current pace than anything worse. It could eventually die down on its own if something else starts up. Well, one can only hope. Erend stops telling his story for a moment to look over at Aloy, noticing her change in pace, tone, attention, and distance. "Everything okay?"

She sighs. "I'll tell you later. I can't be around all these people."
"Well, let's hurry." He nods and matches her faster pace. "I don't want you to worry."
"I'm not worried, Erend." Her tone of voice said otherwise.
"I don't believe you."

"Fine, then don't. I'll tell you everything once we get to the village." I see why everyone calls me little fire or little spark. I'm unpredictable - and I'm just now realizing it.

I Will Always Have A Minute For You [Ereloy]Where stories live. Discover now