Pouring of love

243 61 41

Different shades of white clouds. Grass wet from rain. A dampening indigo blanket. No Mammon. And of course, I, anticipating his arrival. The perfect first date— or so I called it. Usually, two lovers would go to a restaurant or café on their first date, but the raven-haired went against those ideas. He said he was going to be gone for a while, and didn't want me to look as if I were stood up in a restaurant—that was why I was sitting on this blanket right after it had rained, waiting docilely just for him. But it wasn't like I was on my own, no, I had my thoughts to keep me company. The good ones and the bad ones—the bad ones were always louder.

I dropped myself onto the regimental striped blanket, caring less and less about the moist. I felt like an idiot; finding Zalgiur myself? I wanted to, but I couldn't possibly do that. It was purely a display of my outrage; something I said to instigate a search, like a car key in the ignition, waiting to be turned. And I knew Ezekiel, at some point, would take me seriously, as I wanted him to. That was the reason I left my data on—incase he did in fact let my words soak completely, and change his mind.

Feeling a bit inquisitive, I drew out my phone but I had no new messages. Though, what I did have, was the document on Mammon. I had been meaning to look at those ,and why not do it now. I pressed on the file, simply to have a "can't open file" message thrust in my face. What? I tried again, and again, until my fingers had accepted those three words and stopped. I exhaled, sore annoyed. It seemed like even technology didn't want me to see these documents—a joke that, as it were, hurt me inside. I could readily ask Ezekiel to send them to me once more, but considering that I sort of threatened him yesterday, I didn't think he would appreciate that. Perhaps, it was a good thing that I didn't get the information off of a background-less document, I could learn things about Mammon, from Mammon himself.

The dankness of the blanket was beginning to irritate me and so I got up. I couldn't let Mammon or I sit on this abominable wet layer, especially in light of my abilities. I stared at the rectangular blanket and the girding area. The water was squeezed out ocularly before assembling above the blanket. Now, what was I supposed to do with this big drop? I could either throw it into the stream or...make use of it. I could, perhaps, create something for Mammon, though, what would it be? Flowers? No, he would probably rip those up. A necklace? God, no. He did mention that he liked sweet things...so why not a cake? A chocolate-covered cake with vanilla icing inside, and a silky texture that would leave behind a mellow feeling in your mouth. Perfect. And as I envisaged it, it appeared ahead of me, on a plate drifting towards my held out hands.

I could start to sense that the raven-haired was in the area, coming my way so I cautiously hid the cake behind me back. My eyes oscillated between the possible entries separating the trees before I was able to see him. A wicker basket in hand, Mammon pottered towards me, looking...different.

I squinted my eyes, just to ensure that my eyes weren't deceiving me. His black hair that was usually tousled with some disbanded locks, was swept-back and his piercings were all taken out. Even though those were minor details, they made him look like a different person.

"Mammon! You look different," I commented as he approached me, his hand behind his back also.

"Please...don't mention it. I didn't fucking consent to this."

I snickered—although I had no idea what he meant—before peering into the open basket, as though I was looking into murky water. There was a plate with a good few sandwiches laying on it, and two water bottles, on top of eachother beside the fruits. "Oh wow! Did you do this yourself?

"Well- no, not really. I told Nan I was going on a date and she uh...insisted on helping and that's why I look like this," he replied regretfully before whipping out a small bouquet full of red and oranges tulips, wrapped in black paper. My mouth fell apart at how pretty they were.

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