Silver spite

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I walked home that night, carrying a bag of his bidding words with me.

They gambolled around in my head, taking glee from my disquiet; various thoughts materialised on my shoulders, quarrelling loudly with each other like rivals. How could he be so sure? Why did he wait so long to say it? I spared not a second to bang on the door, and call out to him as his aura taunted me from upstairs, but no fruition. I needed to know what he could have said that incensed Mammon. All this time, I thought it was because of something from his past...but it was about me.

The blenching grass was tramped by my shoes as I tottered closer in the navy blue. The oaken cabin was nigh, but so was the spire of my dismay.

Did this mean that Zalgiur had said something about me also? Was that...why he passed out again?

A mix of emotions accosted me. Endearment, confusion, guilt—a trinity in the eyes of my being. I realised, demons were but creatures of moderation. Their desires and feelings were as a river after heavy fall: engulfing. Even with love, they could never love a body vaguely.

My hands reached for the cluster of keys in the jacket pocket as I verged on the caramel door. But the wet door hinge was lowered, and it opened.

The colour from my face whirled down the drain as the keyring slid off my finger and fell to the sparse rock path. What was he-

"Luka...," he uttered, his hands roosting on both my shoulders before pushing me back. I stared into his warm eyes, dread occluding my mind—as the door shut behind him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"What are you..." My eyes shifted around his face, in attempt to grasp a hint of reality. It was getting harder and harder to catch my breath.

He knew, I heaved.

He knew.

His palms walled my face, and through his glands, he made me look up at him. "You know well I wouldn't shame you."

I dropped the bag on the rimy grass before my fingers clasped his black suit vest. Long locks of his silver hair brushed against my face as I glanced down, hot tears dripping upon the merciful blades. An ache started deep in my stomach. He really knew about us. "Ezekiel..."

His thumbs ghosted over my eyes, shaking the tears from the black branches that were my lashes. "I didn't ask for this..."

"I know," the albino whispered, whilst his thumb gallivanted to the beauty mark under my lip. "Your emotions have gone through a lot of change once you arrived here."

I sniffled as he wound his arm around my waist. "You're distraught, it's clear, but I want to propose something, Luka."

I peered up at him, lips apart, but the fervid tears blurred his face.

"Go from here with me." I blinked, and at once his face was in sharp focus. "I'll arrange it all, I'll deal with Michael's fury, I'll make the pain wane away. I'll do anything you desire. Just come with me."

For the first time in my life, I saw desperation written all over his features. Just his eyes alone bore so much power, yet they foraged mine for something of an answer. My old life. The people I loved. My unwavering flame of happiness. I longed to return to Heaven since the day I set foot, but now that it was placed on a glistering golden platter before me, I didn't know what to say. My mind chided me to accept, to leave my anguish in this town, but my core couldn't let me.

"Ezekiel..." Rain began to drizzle over our heads, like the Lord was warning him. "I can't...I- I love him too much."

The albino's body withdrew from mine, and rain hit his face. I shut my eyes, spurning a glimpse of the pain. "Very well.."

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