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"I know you're probably tired of me, but this is serious! I'm got Helena's photo?"

"I did, and it's sitting on my table, staring right at me," the albino responded through the phone, "I've been sifting through all of my journals on markings, I just can't seem to find one like it. And the scores of books I have on it, lessen."

I was on my a hundred and thirteenth lap around the conjoined room, and it didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon. I knew it wouldn't help, that all I needed was a good rest, but I just couldn't.

"Maybe it's...a part of a demon marking, you know, not quite complete. Try looking for something similar to it?"

"Believe me Lukie, I have. Helena said it burns when touched? Is that true?"

"Yes, isn't a type of burning that hurts too much."

"I have a case about that." I could hear the flipping of old rustly pages. "Onul, an escapee demon residing on Kepler-452b, had a black crossed circle on his chest that burned when touched. It was found that Tharren, an acquaintance of his that frequently journeyed to Hell and back, possessed him out of spite, and lust for revenge."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I set my right hand on top of the pewter couch. "What are you trying to say?"

"Tharren and Onul had a falling out, which drove Tharren to possess him." The sound of scribbling could be heard. "If my theory is correct, then someone close to Mammon must have possessed him. Someone who frequents Hell..."

I felt everything in my stomach drop to the ground floor, and could imagine my intestines splatting onto the tiles.

"Zalgiur...," We said in unison.

"But Lukie, remember I'm not infallible. It could be either that, or a demon from Hell itself is possessing him."

"Enough of that," I countered, certain that it was Zalgiur. It made sense, so much damn sense; if Zalgiur couldn't have the raven-haired in his gang, he would pit everyone in the gang against him by possessing him. "His marking disappeared completely last night."


"Yeah, I searched all over! There was no burning sensation, or even a trace that a demon was-" A knock at the front door rudely interrupted me. I gaped at it, bemused as I brought the exerted black phone beside my mouth. It couldn't have been Mammon, he left just awhile ago for his ritualistic morning jog.

"Lukie? Hello?"

"I'll call you back, Ezekiel. Someone' the door. Just remember what I said okay?"

"Alright Lukie. Take care of yourself...I-"

The knocking got louder, and more insistent. "You what, Ezekiel?"

"Nevermind. Goodbye Luka," he returned with a more authorative tone before ending our call. It felt a bit...queer hearing him say Luka, but I didn't give it much scrutiny. There was an expectant someone at the door—though, it was probably for the raven-haired. Whoever it was, they really were iron-willed. My phone tumbled into my gloomy pocket, like it was condemned to eternal imprisonment, as I grasped the iridescent hinge rapidly to save the wood from anymore thwacks. Why would they want to visit Mammon this early in the morning? I could tell by their aura, that they were looking for something.

"Hel-" As if the small holes on green leaves being devoured away by insects, my eyes grew in size at the individual standing before me. Her eyes had a blush upon them, an intimation that she had been crying. Regret and Sadness, the fraternal twins, seeped back into my stomach through my eyes.

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