Even flies die

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A fly was buzzing deafeningly alongside his ear. Groggy, Mammon swatted it, but it then stole to his sleep-ladened eyes. He groaned, getting up off his back and the page under his face shifted. He had fallen in a doze writing again. The raven-haired squinted from the abnormal orange light. They were studded everywhere, like stars converted of blue day. Fireflies. Mammon dodged some. What was he supposed to do? The bright flies surged together, flying straight sluggishly as if they were waiting for him. Did they want him to follow?

Pale neon bugs scaled the colossal trees. Mammon vaporised from bending branches to the next, revealing himself only when alight. Leaves fissled as the fireflies continued ahead. This was stupid, he thought. Did the flies even know where they were going? A floral smell shadowed him, and he could see beaded drips of sap honey on the thick bark. Heaven was beautiful, of course. But no river of wine or milk could facsimile the feeling Luka gave to him.

The fireflies grew faster, swerving suddenly. The raven-haired did the same, speeding after until they peppered around a tree of thicker girth. Mammon burst upon the ground, analysing the branches holding hands with others, before he espied an entrance. A short dark hollow that he could fit through if he went crouched. And, the raven-haired did exactly that.

A warm mist accosted his skin. Glittering moon jellyfish breaststroked in the dusky air as he straightened his body. What was this place? Quartzite steps lead up to a stage with pools of glowing baby blue water. It was dense, like blue lamps were poured out. A woman was sitting at the edge, a towel secured around her body. There was no one else other than them.

Mammon trudged towards the middle pool, the stone cosy. "Who are you?"

She peered up with green eyes and wet hair. "Kallista..."

He instantly understood. "So, you lead me here on purpose."

"I-I wanted...to talk to you."

"Why here?"

"I made this place...as a safe haven when I want to...get away," the redhead murmured. "Get in, this...water is good for healing."

The raven-haired hesitantly dipped his legs, the loose pants and tank top evaporating the further he lowered. Pink lotus flowers bobbed close as the hot water massaged his body. It lit up his face. "Aren' you getting in?"

Kallista smiled softly. "Do you...mind closing your eyes?"

Mammon shook his head, instead repositioning himself so his forearms would be on the quartzite coping. He hung about for the sound of a towel dropping, and then swishing water.

"You should...get into the cold water first and then hot...for next time. I-It's good for your skin to change environments..."

The raven-haired faced her anew. "Has...Luka been here?"

"No...only my sister, Ziva." Her finger revolved the tiered flower. "How...is your time in Heaven so far?"

"It's fine." It would have been better with Luka by his side. "I'm still getting used to things."

"Y-Yes, of course. Have you...met the others?"

"I've met Mikkel and Adona."

"Adona?" She cocked her head. "She told me that...you saved her. Thank you..."

Mammon stirred slightly. He found this conversation dicey. "Anyone would have done that...no need to thank me."

"You've...really changed. The last I heard of you, was with E-Elise."

He swallowed the dryness in his throat, priming himself for whatever was to come next. Their deaths were his fault, he had no desire to demean or to argue about it.

"I was scared...you would do the same to him. I...braced myself, but I-I could never brace myself for this."

The raven-haired didn't respond, but he must have recasted himself because Kallista had spotted the ring.

"Did...Luka give you that ring?"

"No, I did. I proposed...on that same day."

Her face faltered, the corners of her lips dropping, then rising again. "You...must've treated Luka well..."

"I always tried. Why?"

"Forgive me for...saying this, but I just don't understand how he fell in love...with a demon."

Mammon knew her reason for saying it, but it made his nerves tingle. "You can't help...who you fall in love with."

Kallista nodded. "It just...hurts my core a bit, I'm...sorry. I don't think it would hurt as much...if he fell in love with another angel..."

"I get it. But...angels and demons, when they're in love, they love the same," Mammon maintained, stretching his muscled arms over the coping. "I loved him. When we were together, I didn' think about him bein' an angel or...me being a demon."

The redhead nodded, gazing sadly at the pink flowers.

"Just 'cause he didn' love you the way you wanted, doesn't mean he didn't care about you. Luka used to tell me about you."


"He told me, that you'd put flowers behind his ear."

"Luka put a flower...behind my ear the day he left. It was my favourite...I always kept it. He even said he would marry me..." She smiled sheepishly to herself before looking vacantly at him. "You...took that from me."

The lotus flower began to desiccate whilst foamy bubbles took their place.

"You took...everything from me."

It didn't need a lot of acumen to know that this wasn't right. The raven-haired tried to surface from the pool, but stinging vines on his wrists tightened apace.

"Get the hell off of me!" he growled as a red glided on the metallic water.

Swollen flowers with black roots bobbed to him, and Mammon could soon feel them invading his skin.

"Poison...it doesn't exist in Heaven. But, when older angels feel pain, their bodies...make it themselves.

He grunted through gritted teeth-it looked like all the times he was tortured and beaten had paid off grimly.

"You killed Elise...you killed my Luka. You don't...deserve to live."

They threshed in his tensed skin, against his bones. It made him cringe.

"A demon like you...shouldn't be here."

His vision started to blur. His core was pulsating in his ears. Numbness tided up his legs and his head whacked against the stone. Bloated flowers were crawling to his chest. This poison was slowly killing him. Shutting grey eyes outstared the high ceiling. Paling fingers flexed. Mammon wanted to fight it, but he was sore tired. He fought every second of his life, maybe now, he just needed to rest. His eyes snapped close. The raven-haired always thought that he would have a violent death, but, he was okay with this.

"I wish I was as strong as you...," the brunet said, lying next to him on the pillow. The sun peeked under the white blinds. Though, it could never beat the warmth of his fingers trailing his jaw.

"I'm...not strong," he whispered before total blackness engulfed his mind.

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