Chapter 4~ The Things She Said

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Himiko's POV
We spent our third trial reviewing the clues and evidence we've found in our investigation. I tried pitching in as much as I could. I wanted to give both Angie and Tenko justice. But when everyone began pointing fingers at me, I just didn't care anymore. "I don't care anymore. I'm too tired." I finally said. Everyone looked at me, including Kokichi. "Angie died....Tenko died....why did I have to survive? And're all saying I killed them? I just don't care anymore."

I hung my head low to the ground. "If you wanna vote for me, go ahead. Just shut up. I'm too tired." "Himiko. Stop with your lies." I looked up and saw Kokichi glaring at me. "Lies?" I questioned. "You didn't care less about Tenko when she was alive, but now that she's dead you only care about her now? Come on, really?" I couldn't say anything for a while, until I finally found the words. "I know I ignored Tenko before....that's why I'm so upset now." Kokichi's glare immediately disappeared.

"I should have faced her and worked things out with her when she was still alive. But's too late. I can't complain to her or thank her." "Don't tell me you wanna give up!" Kaito interrupted. "If we want to find their killer or killers and give them justice, we need to accept their deaths." "I guess you're right. I don't think I could face Angie or Tenko if I gave up right now. Okay, I'll keep going!"

Kokichi's POV
We finally managed to clear Himiko as the killer which relieved me. But we still don't know who the killer is. Shuichi must have noticed I was being awfully quiet cause he turned to me. "Kokichi...what were you doing last night." Last night. I didn't want to remember it, but I did anyway.

It was just a few minutes before the 10 pm nighttime announcement. Kokichi was admiring Himiko from a table in the back. He never appreciated how cute she really was until now and he couldn't resist. He suddenly felt eyes on him and saw Tenko glaring at him. Feeling uncomfortable, he got up and left. Just as he was about to head to his room, he was thrown to the ground. "AGH!" Kokichi gasped as he hit the ground. He looked up and saw Tenko standing above him. "T...Tenko?! What are you doing?!" He was responded by a kick to his face.

"I should be asking you the same question! What do you think you're doing staring at Himiko like that?!" She yelled at him. "I....I wasn't looking at her! I was just....." "Liar! You were too! And I think I know why you were!" She kicked him again. "You like her don't you?!" Kokichi's eyes widened. How could she have found out. He didn't say anything. "You stupid degenerate male! Do you really think she'd like you when she has someone like me?!" She began hitting his head against the ground and Kokichi tried very hard to hold back tears.

"Nobody likes you! You're just a stupid degenerate male who lies and cheats through life! She'd never be happy with someone like you!"

Kokichi's POV
Her words from last night stuck in my mind. But I couldn't let it show. No matter what.

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