Chapter 3~ A Second Downfall

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Himiko's POV
Angie. Angie Yonaga is dead. I didn't want to believe it. But I had to. "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, the class trial will begin!" Monokuma announced. "Let's start investigating guys." said Shuichi. We agreed and began the investigation. Korekiyo suggested to do a seance to try to communicate with Angie's spirit. We all agreed.

"We would need someone to serve as the medium, more specifically a girl." He said. "I'll do it." said Tenko. "But...Tenko..." I began. "Don't worry Himiko. I'll be okay. I'll survive and get out with all of you guys. So don't worry about me." Tenko reassured me. I simply nodded and let her go. She laid in kneeling like position in the middle and we put the cage and cloth on her. We turn off the lights, hold hands and sing together. Afterwards, there was no response. That was weird. Tenko was supposed to be in there. We lifted the cage and cloth and we're shocked at what we saw. Tenko lay there in a pool of blood.

"Tenko!" I exclaimed as I rushed over to her. "What happened?! Wake up! Please wake up! Tenko!" She didn't respond. It was only when the body discovery announcement played again that I finally understood. Tenko was dead.

Kokichi's POV
I was shocked to see Tenko dead, but I didn't feel bad. Though I never showed it, I did feel upset whenever anyone died in this game. But I didn't with Tenko. I just glared at her dead body and turned to the others. "Tenko's death is meaningless. We should focus on Angie's death right now." Himiko immediately turned to me. "Meaningless?! How dare you call her death meaningless!" She yelled at me. I shuddered and tensed up when she yelled at me. I turned away, knowing I had messed up again. "Don't worry, Himiko. We'll find who's responsible for both of their deaths." Kaito reassured her.

We began investigating both the cases until Monokuma announced it was time for the trial. We all headed to the elevator in silence. Time to do this for the third time around.

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