𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑜

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༻𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑦 𝐴𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠༺

Daeva hadn't the time to ask questions, for there was a furious yelling from the hallway, and footsteps fast approached. Karlos gripped Daeva's wrist with a gentle gloved hand, tugging her out of the cell as a flood of soldiers poured from the hallway. She saw the flash of Karlos bringing up his mask and hood, before he pushed her down and horrible bangs began echoing around the room, followed with shouts of fury. She felt her head being gently forced down, and Karlos' voice whispered, "Close your eyes."

She obeyed, and a mere moment later, all of the bangs ceased at once, and there was complete silence. She risked a glance up, to see that all of the soldiers were fallen, their weapons strewn about between them.
And finally, Daeva spoke her first words since the town was attacked: "A-are they dead?"
Her voice was shaky and cracked, her throat gone dry from the cold and her sobs.
"Not dead," one of the hooded figures murmured. "Just asleep. The guys by the entrance should wake up soon, though. We have to hurry."
The figures began to lead the way from the dungeon, into the hall, where they traveled to the entrance. Sure enough, more guards lay scattered around. It would have been frightening to see had Daeva not known they were just unconscious with sleep.
"How did you do that?" She whispered in awe, staring at the guards. Karlos' voice came from the hooded figure beside her.
"All will be explained when we reach the Sanctuary. I promise."

The one with the bag reached inside of it again, retrieving a hood similar to their own and passing it back to Daeva. "Please, wear this. It will help hide you from the guards atop the turrets." Daeva took the hood, slipping it over her frail shoulders and pulling it over her head. Afterwards, the figures lead her out of the cave which lead to the dungeons, and into the night.
It was colder than Daeva remembered when she arrived. The rain was still pouring, fiercer than before and harder on her exposed arms and legs. She shivered, barely able to see for the downpour and the hood. She relied entirely on the firm grip of Karlos' hand on her wrist, guiding her forward with quick but cautious steps. Daeva kept her head down, watching the ground slowly morph from packed dirt and stone to loose soil and sparse grass. Any moment, she expected the angry alarm of a guard, but it never came. She dared not look up, her unbalanced steps continuing along with the confident ones of the figures. Eventually, the rain seemed to lighten, and yet they kept on going. The ground turned to thick grass and foliage, and the hard rain became a light patter.

And then it happened. As if a light switch was wired to the sun, light suddenly poured over her feet and the grass below, and the patter of rain went away completely. The figures slowed, and Daeva finally felt safe to look up.
And oh what a sight! Bright flames shown down on a town made of wood. Small cottages stood everywhere, and people-innocents-milled about with ease. The ground was the softest of grass, and various flowering plants sprung up from the ground and occasional log.

Her mouth hung agape, but she didn't get to enjoy the sight for long. She was ushered along, past a few cottages and curious innocents with wide eyes, gazing at her as if she were a Goddess. And then she was escorted inside one of the cottages. The inside was warmer than home even, with a gentle fire in one corner and homely latterns perched on the various surfaces within the room.
"This is yours, now," Karlos spoke, once again removing his hood and mask. "I hope it is to your liking."
Daeva was awestruck, gazing at the peaceful images which hung on the wall or adorned the shelves.

"This way, the lavatory has been prepared for your use. I'm sure you wish to clean up and wear something warmer." Karlos went on, and he gestured down a small hallway. Until then, Daeva had not thought of cleaning up, but the idea now seemed inviting, as was the prospect of proper dressing which was not soaking wet. Still speechless, Daeva bowed as thanks, following the young lad's directions. She indeed found the lavatory, its pearly coloured walls shining, and the most inviting of baths awaiting within. The room resembled something she'd expect to see in a castle perhaps, but a cottage? It was a surprise given the relatively small size of the rest of the building. She slid the lock over the door, oh too concerned of her appearance, before slipping out of the tattered rag and into the bath. It was the warmest thing she'd been exposed to in a very long time, and Daeva relished in the comfort. She could feel the last of the grime from her ordeal rub away, replaced with the suds within.

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