Chapter 2: Our adventure starts now

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Rimuru POV

(Ok raphael-chan what should we do to win?what is our chance?)

<Master we have a 20% chance of winning if Velzard gets serious>

(Ehhhhh?that low?I thought I was already stronger?)

<Yes master did get stronger but Velzard has the ability to decelerate something as well as the ability to degrade skills functions>

(Ehhh?that's broken how can we beat that?)

<Don't worry master we can increase our chance to win>

(Oh,ok how do we do that?)

<You need to train master while I make modifications to your skills shall it be implemented Yes/No>

(Yes,you have my permission)

<Hai starting now>

(Now where should I go to train?)

(Let's go to rudra-san)

Meanwhile in eastern empire rudra and velgrynd were drinking tea.when rimuru suddenly appeared.the gaurds were immediately on guard

Rimuru:"Rudra-san could you train me in swordsmanship?I won't take no for an answer by the way."

Damrada:"How dare you call his majesty so cassualy like that"

Rudra:"Enough damrada this person is my sis-inlaw.Yo rimuru don't just barge in here!"

Rimuru:"Oh velgrynd-nee *hugs velgrynd* did I disturb you?"

Rudra:"Don't ignore me"

Rimuru:"hai hai so can you teach me?I need it for something."

Rudra:"Ok but what do you need it for anyway?"

Velgrynd:"Yeah rimuru-chan what do you need it for?"

Rimuru:"truth is I'm fighting Velzard-nee and I need to train to increase my chances"

Velgrynd:"What?Fighting nee-san?For what?!"

Rimuru:"I wanna go see the outside world and adventure and stuff I don't wanna be hold up inside a castle all my life"

Velgrynd:"No men will leach on you and do horrible stuff to you"

Rimuru:"Say's someone who fell in love with a human?plus I'm not gonna fall in love with men anyway I like women!

Velgrynd"ehhhhh?really?wait what?is this happening?"

It took 5 minutes for velgrynd to calm down from the shock

Velgrynd:"*sighs* whatever makes you happy I guess"

Rudra:"soooo...back to the topic I agree on one condition"

Rimuru:"what is that?"

Rudra:"you have to owe me a favour deal?"

Rimuru:"as long as it does not harm my family or anyone yes"


So Rimuru's 2 week training started and rimuru not only learned swordsmanship but also fighting tactics.After 2 weeks raphael reported something to rimuru.

<Master modification of your abilities are complete>

(Oh cool appraise me)

<Hai beginning appraisal>


Race:True dragon

Title:Void true dragon

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