Chapter 22:The beginning of the war

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*This takes place a few months after the festival*

Rimuru POV

I took some break after the festival and just spent time with my family everything was going well but I have a growing anxiety that when the war begins everything will go downhill I don't know how strong my enemy is and how I can beat them as I was deep in my thoughts I heard someone call me

Chloe:"Hey rimuru are you okay?"

Rimuru:"I'm fine"

Shizu:"You usually tease us a lot but now you're very quite is something bugging you?"

Rimuru:" Not really just thinking about how things will progress from now on and what changes I have caused in this world"

Ciel:"Master you made many changes to the timeline already and you didn't worry about that one bit why are you worried now?"

Chloe:"she's right you know"

Rimuru:"I'm not worried it's just that I want to think about the future"

Ciel:"Master you can lie to everyone other than me and why can't I access your inner thoughts?you purposely block it didn't you?please tell us what you're worried about"

Rimuru:"I'm Not worried about anything ciel as I said I was just thinking of the future,ah forget it I'm going to sleep"

As I was about to get up and go to my room ciel grab my hand with a serious look of concern for me

Ciel:"master would you please stop lying to us?You can't always act strong Infront of everyone you have to tell us what's bothering you so we can comfort you. As you said before that you have your own flaws and worries and I know that better than anyone"

Rimuru:"I'm worried that one day I'll lost you guys, I'm worried that my strength will not be enough to protect everyone, I'm worried that when that day comes I'm unable to do anything is that enough of a explanation?"

As I felt ciel's grip on my hand weaken I walk away and enter my imaginary space to rest

Ciel POV

Shizu:"Ciel-san?why did you let rimuru-san go?"

Ciel:"I can't access her imaginary space not can I go back inside her soul it's like I've been forcefully shut out"

Ruminas:"Why did you let go of her hand?"

Ciel:"Because it's the first time I've seen master like that she was on the verge of tears I let go because I didn't want to see her cry"

Ciel:"and she was right there is a chance that our enemy is stronger than us"

Souei suddenly appeared in front of us

Shizu POV

Souei:"your highnesses we have spotted multiple machines and people marching near the northeast border of the forest"

Shizu:"they're attacking now seriously? Call benimaru and tell him to prepare the army"


Ciel:"this is earlier than I thought testarrosa"

Testarrosa:"yes your highness?"

Ciel:"call all executives to the control room"


Ciel:"ruminas and Chloe go back to ruberios they might target the western nations and I will go to talk to rimuru"

We all teleported to different places at the same time I was teleported to the control room as all the executives where there

Shizu:"sorry everyone but we are in a state of emergency the empire is at our border rigurd I want you to tell the citizens to prepare to be transported to the labyrinth"

Rigurd:"it shall be done"

Shizu:"Diablo I want you to assemble the black numbers and prepare for war"


Shizu:"benimaru I want you to ready the army as well"


Ciel POV

I managed to find a way to enter the imaginary space
As I walked around I entered our castle and so master asleep on her room

Ciel:"master?" I tried to wake her up

She worked and rubbed her eyes

Rimuru:"Ciel? what do you want?"

Ciel:"I'm very sorry to worry you but the empire is gonna attack us"

I thought that master would react negatively to what I said but instead I saw her eyes light up with determination

Rimuru:"I see,Well let's crush them so that they won't be able to fight back"

Ciel:"Yes master"

We both got out of the imaginary space and saw shizu

Rimuru POV

Rimuru:"Shizu is everything okay?"

Shizu:"Don't worry We've evacuated everyone and we are ready to fight"

Rimuru:"I see then call everyone I have an order to make"


We arrived at the control room and I made an order

Rimuru:"What I want is peace so before we attack we will try to settle this peacefully if they attack crush them leave none alive"


Rimuru:"Now then testa go with ranga and the others to meet with their forces and try to settle things peacefully"


Testarossa and the green numbers departed for their mission

Testarossa POV

Really her majesty is so kind to let people who are planning on attacking her home have the chance to live
such benevolence I cannot imagine to be like her.As I was deep in thought admiring her majesty I noticed that we have arrived
and we saw the soldiers at a distance we decided to wait for them

Soldier:"Who are you step aside this is the empire"

I got down from her majesty's pet and started to talk

Testarossa:"Hello I am here on behalf of my master to tell you that we would like to settle this without needless bloodshed"

Soldier:"I thought your queen was a true dragon turns out that bitch is a coward"

I was about to kill him for saying that but refrained myself from doing so as that would violate the order given to me

Testarossa:"I see,you have been warned the moment you cross this line we will not hesitate to kill you"

As I took my seat on ranga's back and turned back to the forest


I heard a large explosion being fired at me but I easily destroyed it and looked back

Testarossa:"Firing at a high rank official of another country that is a declaration of war I suppose very well then "

I said as I walked  back to regroup with the others tempest I could hear their machines being destroyed and them screaming as we returned to kill all of them as her majesty's order

Sorry for the very very late chapter I decided yesterday to revise this chapter and also decided that I will just post 2 chapters today very very sorry for making you wait that's all see you next chapter

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