Chapter 20

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Those were the one of a kind shoes that I never thought I'd see again. "Shit!" I whisper yelled. I started pacing back and forth in my room and Michael noticed something was wrong.

"What is it? Who is it?" He asked grabbing me. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't trust him. I had to lie, but nothing was coming to my mind. I started crying and Michael tried comforting me.

"Ashleigh Rose Hemmings! I know you're in there! I'm not afraid to kick this door down!" He yelled. The one person that I wish would leave my life forever other than my dad. The one person I'm not related to that I wanted gone. I actually thought he was gone. I guess he was wrong.

"Do you want me to do something?" Michael asked. Jesus, I wanted to say yes, but I couldn't risk Michael getting hurt. I couldn't live without him.

My breathing became heavier and I lost it. "Wayde leave my house! I never want to see you! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!" I yelled. Just then, the door snapped in half and a gun was pulled up to my head. "W-wayde! P-please s-stop!" I begged. At this point, my heart rate was off the scale and I began to hyperventilate.

"Who's the emo freak, huh? Your new boy toy? Well Mr. Hair dye, don't trust this slut! She's just using you!" He yelled.

"MO-" I tried calling before Wayde's disgusting hand covered my mouth. The gun was brought closer to my head and I was shaking while Michael was just standing there. Why does everything bad happen to me and why tonight? Michael is going to leave me now! Wayde removed his hand and told me that if I tried calling again, he would pull the trigger. "W-why are y-you here?" I asked.

"Your dad called me. Said he needed me to do what I tried doing a while ago. This time you won't escape." he said and then laughed evilly.

Then, Michael moved. "No. No! No no no no no! This can't happen! Not to Ashleigh! No!" Michael yelled in frustration before ramming Wayde out of the door. Wayde had dropped his gun and I had it in my possession. I did what my brain told me to and I called the cops. Within a minute I heard sirens and red, white, and blue lights were going off outside of my house.

I ran downstairs not knowing where anyone was. They knocked on the door really hard and I opened it. "You're Ashleigh Hemmings?" The one police officer asked me.


"Okay. Where are they?" He asked and I shrugged. I jogged up the stairs and two of the officers followed me as three of them went separate ways. We got to the end of the hall and I saw Michael holding Wayde down and he looked like he couldn't hold him any longer.

"Michael!" I shouted. He let out a sigh and his eyes widened at the police standing three feet in front of him. One of the officers grabbed Wayde and the other handcuffed him. I let out a breath of air that I didn't even know I was holding when they carried him away. One down, one to go. I don't know how my mom will react to my dad being gone, but I can't have him around me or Michael.


"So they're gone now?" My mother asked me. I nodded my head and she began to tear up. She looked quite happy and I loved it. Just as Mikey and I were about to head upstairs, the front door opened revealing Luke.

I grabbed Mikey's hand and pulled him upstairs and blocked the threshold since there was no door anymore. "What did that Wayde guy mean when he said Just another boy toy and that you were using me?" He asked. Shit, I knew he would ask.

"Michael, I was 11 and drunk. Yes drunk. My father forced me to drink and took me to the bar and Wayde came along and I don't know! I guess I was starting my teenage hormonal problems." I told him. It was 100% true.

"Oh, alright. So you wouldn't use me for anything or make me your boy toy, right?" He asked more questions.

"I would never do that to you Michael. That's why I called the cops. I didn't want them to hurt you. I never called the cops before because I was already hurt so much that it didn't matter to me. You matter to m-" Michael cut me off with his lips colliding on mine. Our lips moved in sync and our kiss lasted about a minute before I pulled away to catch my breath.

"God, I love you Ashleigh." He whispered. and I pecked his lips in return. Just then, Luke walked in.

"What the hell happened here?" He asked. Can you guess what I did? I just ignored him and pretended that he wasn't there and Michael did the same.

I got up to get the TV remote for a NetFlix night and told Michael to go make popcorn. "Ashleigh! I'm talking to you!"

"I know." I simply said before shoving him out of my room. Michael came back with popcorn and Luke turned to him. "Michael? You too?" Luke ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Why are you ignoring me!" He yelled.

I kicked him and under my breath, I coughed "Douche." Michael snickered and I chimed in.

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