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My name is Leo

I also go by the name Lionel Messi.

I feel like I am in a wrong place. I don't feel home.

I was sleeping in my room and thinking about life. I had a perfect plan!
I am goong to buy myself a cat! It would be great to have company and since I don't really have time to take a dog outside or clean the hamsters cage. So cat would be perfect.

I was wearing a black hoodie and had it on and also a black mask, so nobody would recognise me.

I had seen on Facebook that here I could get a fine cat to myself.
Then a french man walked in whith a beautiful gray cat whith thick fur.

I named it Rey.

I was at home whith my new cat and things have been going smootly until....
"What do you want?" I asked Sergio Ramos.
"Leo I heard you have a new cat, I want to see him!" Sergio was rambling.
Sergio was petting Rey like it was the last day  he had arms.
"Bye the way Leo, I called Ney he really wamted to meet Rey!"

I immidiedly got a weird feeling.
It's not that I dislike Neymar complete opposite he makes me feel young and happy, But in a way I guess I am afraid of it.
He has a dangerously strong impact on me. Our teammates  have a habit of saying "Of Neymar told Leo to jump of of Eiffel tower hed do it whith a smile," it always makes me feel really embarassed. And something in my stomach told me that today something weird was going to happen.

"Ouh, guess who texted!" Sergio said.
"Santa?" I said to him whith a smirk. "Oih Leo I am dying of laughter," he said whith a sarcastic expression.

Soon I heard a knock on the door and went to open it. There I saw Neymar having jeans lover than teenage boy's iq. He had a cap sideways and Cucci sunglasses. "Come in, Ney," I said a little shyly. Good that we aren't alone  or I would be "jumping off the Eiffel tower"

Neymar was smiling almost the whole time we hang out. "I have to go home see you guys in training tomorrow!" Sergio said. We said our byes to him and kept on whith the evening.

"Rey is really cute," Neymar says constantly. I wouldn't answer to him in any of those times.

"W-would you like some tea?" I asked Ney. What is wrong whith me why is my face red.

"Leo are you okey? You seem kinda out of it," well clearly I wasnt in the best of forms but still. "Let me see," and after saying that he put hes hand on my forehead. I think my face grew even more pink.

"Leo could you be having a feaver?" Ney said. I was looking at his beautiful green eyes that were sparkling whith worry. I almost forgot to give him my answer so i rushed and said "M-me a feaver no no no it must be something else!"
Ney smiled to me and hugged me "Well I'll see you tomorrow if you seem sick then I will carry you back here!"

I smiled back and after he left I went to sleep. Rey came to my bed and we had a good sleep.

First chapter done <3
I am so tired now so I will just sleep.

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