In sickness and health

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I woke up and saw Leo sleeping on the bed hugging Rey. He looks so cute. Neymar doesn't even know whitch one he is refering to. But now that he thinks of it Rey kind of reminds him of Leo.
Not becouse its Leos cat but becouse they kind of act alike. Its like the cat is trying to imitaye Leo. It is super cute. Leo sure loves Rey a lot.

I started walking to the kitchen and made us food. I am not the best cook but I need to try my best for Leo I don't want him to be stressed I am supposed to take care of him.
I regret some of the things I said to Leo I shouldn't have mocked Barcelona. So now is a good opportunity to make that up to him by doing the best breakfast ever!

~Leo pov

I felt something jump on my chest and I saw Rey befging me for comfort. Was he scared?
What happend. Then I heard the most annoying thing ever


The fucking fire alarm how did that happen what the hell.
I took Rey to my arms and went to the kitchen.
Neymar? He was holding a water can and tried to clean the counters.
It looked like this place has veen attaced by a fire monster whith infinite hunger.
"What the fuck?!"
"Oh morning Leo could u turn the fire alarm off!" Neymar yelled. I turned it off and whith Rey finally relaxed I let him down.
I walked to Neymar "What in the world have you done to my beautiful kitchen?" He looked into my eyes and started smiling. "Leo my dear dont you see I am doing us breakfast,"
"Yeah by burning my house," he looked at me embarrassed. "I might not be the best at making food,"
"Yeah I know that already, could you give Rey his food while I clean? After that I will make us food,"

I was now almost done whith the perfect breakfast. I was suoer proud of my work and I was now only waiting for Neymar. He came to the table and we smiled at eatch other. It is almost as if we were a married couple. Now I couldn't hold my blush for my thoughts. I hope Neymar wont think too deaply about it. "Wow Leo this food is amazing!" Now my blush grew even more. Now after what happend yesterday I think I have finally realised my true feelings for Neymar. I hope it wont affect our relationship now. Nine years of friendship is important, but what if there could really be something more to that? "Leo why aren't you eating?" Neymar looked worried. "Oh you have worked yourself too hard. I will take you back to bed now. Thank you for the food but now we go to bed and we can watch a movie, sounds good?" Neymar was so sweet. He came next to me and walked me slowly to the bed. He knew I would be up to walking but seems like he just really wanted to walk me there. Rey jumped on the bed whith us and I cuddled him. Neymar was petting Rey too and our hands met. He smiled at me and my heart was racing.

I never told you this ~NeymessiWhere stories live. Discover now