For me, okey?

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Indeed a nice wind from the East. Even thought we are trought to the world cup final, I happen to find myself in a bizzare state. It feels like the world is not real, that I am not real. I cannot find my exitement and happiness like I used to. There is something in the way. Ofcourse no-one could guess this little inner demons existence. I hide it well, like most of my emotions. Unlike those emotions this eats me up inside. I don't know what in the name of god happend, but something is not right. As the time feels getting slower every second, my heart beat grows. I can hear it but it just feels unrealistic. My head hurts like grazy. My back hurts too, like a poisoned knife whith nerve agent had stabbed me. My sight grows dark and in the end that is all I know and see.
I think I am fainting. But I wont let that happen. I lay down on the floor and I put my legs up. It helps a little but I still feel bad thought. My lugs hurt and it's getting harder to breath.
"Leo are you okey can I do something to help you?" De Paul asks. I could not answer him due to my state. He takes my head on his lap and tries to help me. He pets my head and plays whith my hair. I trust him he is like my gueardian-angel. The euphoric feeling of the tasty victory grows back again. I can hear the singing and dancing. This high athmosphere is touching my heart, but I still just want to leave and crawl back to bed. Indeed it is growing cold out here no-one else feels it. "Rodrigo, could you help me to get up?" I say. He lifts me up. I leave his side and go to take a shower.
I trow my clothes in some corner and turn the water to maximum heat.
As the boiling water runs trought my body I still feel cold.
I go lost in my thoughts. I don't know how long but looks like my mind goes to Neymar.


We were having our mate-tea session whith Suarez and Neymar.
Some of my favorite moments in life, friends and mate-tea. We were drinking and talking about life.
Suarez had to leave early but Ney demanded to stay longer. So here we are me and Neymar sitting on my coutch. "Would you like some tea?" I ask him. "Coffee please," He answers.
I prepare us drinks and he finishes his coffe quick. I try my hardest to slowly enjoy my tea. Ney is wearing jeans that are stuck really low, and a t-shirt whith a stupid text. He has his cap sideways. He gives me american rapper vibes. I laught at my own mind. Neymar makes a questioning face to that.
He suddenly moves closer. Our faces only inches away from eatchother. He stares at my eyes passionetly. I blush and look away. And now he is the one laughing. He looks really happy and a smile quivers to my face. Now I figure that he has gotten a new idea. He comes closer to me and wraps his arm on my nech. The other he puts to my hip. He lowers that hand to my ass. He gives it a small squize. I close my eyes since his face is so close that I can feel his breath. I turn my face away from him. I must be completely red now. He pulls away and laughts his lungs out. "You are so funny," he says and continues his laughter.

End of flashback

Oh what a time. "Leo come out of the shower or they ban us from here for waisting all the warm water!"
Dammit, can't do anything.

I open the door to my room and to my pleasent suprise I find Neymar sitting on my bed.
"Leo, you're finally here," he says smiling. I step closer to him. He kisses my lips and wraps his arms around my body. "I love you so mutch, I am so proud of you," Neymar tells me. I smile and hug him back. We both go sit on my bed. Suddenly Neymars face drops to tears. "I- i-its hard y-you know. I want you to win the world cup, but I ca-can't help myself. I am jealous I wish that I could be there winning the world cup. Ofcourse I am happy for you, but I am not over our loss against Croatia. But thank you for avanging us. I am absolutely heartbroken. Leo what should I do? Tell me," He desperedly cries to me. "There is nothing to do but to go on. Life moves and time will heal but there will be left a scar. My advice is, PLAY THE NEXT WORLD CUP, please Ney. Then you will win it. You still have time, do not waste it," Little brutal but someone has to say it. "If you want to know the truth, I am so fucking scared right now. What if we lose the final? That would be the worst thing. Everyone would hate me. This is my last chance. They won't care that I was the one to bring us this far. If I fail it is over,"
As we both ranted to eatch other our soles cleared. I got in touch whith the feeling of reality again. Not perfectly, but somehow.

"Leo, win the final for me,"

I never told you this ~NeymessiWhere stories live. Discover now