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~Leo pov

We went back to my house whith Neymar after our picnic. It was amazing and super romantic.
But I can't let myself be too fuled. I don't know what Neymar is after now. He is my best friend and I do trust him but I am afraid. I don't know what he wants and after my departure whith Barcelona, I find it hard to trust anything in this world.

I felt a tear coming to my eye.
Watery eyes.
Raining outside.
And suddenly I couldn't hold it anymore. I hid myself from Neymar to the bathroom and started crying like a mad man.

The tears wouldn't stop. It was getting harder to breathe.

I cried for what felt like an eternity until I got out of the bathroom.

I walked to Rey and took him to my hands.
"Ney, have you given Rey his food?" I asked silently I couldn't risk my voice breaking now.
"Oh yeah I gave it while you were in the bathroom. What on earth are were you doing in there?" He winked at me. Oh god he bropably has thought of something weird. I blushed madly "Ew Ney you pervert!" Ney just laughed.

Then we heard a phone ringing. "I have to get this," said Neymar.

While Neymar was talking on the phone I petted Rey. I love cats so mutch.

Neymar came back looking angry. "What is it Ney?" I asked him. "It is my house. There is moisture damage. I can't live there for a month. The rain and some idiots mistake made it. Now I am homeless," Neymar said.
"You can stay here as long as you need," I immidiedly regretted it. I saw the younger mans eyes light whith exitement.
"Really Leo! Wow you are the best! I love you!" He said and hugged me.

He surely didn't know how strong affect he has to my heart. I didn't afford any more loses. Any more heart breaks. I have to go.

"I-I need to g-go to hm the bathroom," my eyes were already tearing up again and my heart was hurting like it was stabbed whith five poisonous knifes.
He doesn't love me he doesn't care I am just a fool. He is making fun of me for sure there is no way he would love me. I cried so hard.

I spent another long while crying before I went back to Ney. Hm now that I think about it Rey and Ney sound a lot alike. That made me smile a bit. I need to focus.
Tomorrow I was allowed to return to practice and I will do my best!

I went sleeping and Neymar cane next to me.
My heart was beating fast. Rey came to sleep on my stomach. Neymar was smiling at us. I moved my gaze back to Rey as fast as I could.
I can't be this weak. I have to do better I have to be better. Whith this mindset I went to sleep.

Leos Dream:

I was in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't see anything exept water. The water was touching my knees. It was cold.
I heard a voice call me.
"Who are you, show yourself!" I yelled. I felt anxious as my heart started beating faster something was wrong.
"You are not worth of Neymar you don't deserve him. He will never love you. Just like him," the unknown voice said in a mean voice.
I felt angrier than in a long while.
"Don't you dare bring him to this he has nothing to do whith Neymar!" I yelled whith fire in my eyes. The cold water started eising and it was already on my chest when it stopped. "You were so foolish, you thought he loved you and you let him embarass you infront of your team. He dated you only becouse he wanted to humiliate you,"
I felt devisdated. My heart sank. "Neymar will never ever love you for the real you!" The water rised and I was drowning.
And then I saw nothing.
Emd of the dream

I was shaking hard this was horrible. I was lucky that Rey was sleeping on my lap. I hugged my cat. I couldn't cry again. Not becouse of him. Sergio Kun Aguero.

End of this chapter.
I absolutely love Aguero but I thought that he would fit in this.
Sorry for this angst thought

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