Chapter 35

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“Yes, I am,” I replied, surprised she had recognized me right away. Her expression was a mix of shock and hesitance. I couldn’t help but notice that she only held the door open wide enough that she could see us and she was quite literally clutching the pearls around her neck. 

“My name is Michelle but you can call me Mickey. This is my boyfriend Vincent.” I paused only because there seemed to be a lot going on in Stephanie’s expression. Her lips tugged down at the mention of my nickname and her nose wrinkled as she shifted her gaze to Vincent. 

“You look so much like your father. The good traits anyways. You would have been hideous had you gotten his nose. That delicate little thing is your mother’s no doubt.” 

Stephanie was appraising me freely. The door opened wider to reveal that she wore a pencil skirt and blazer. She still hadn’t acknowledged Vincent’s prescenece, which I could tell made him antsy. His eyes were traveling the patio and peering behind Stephanie into the entryway with a chandelier hanging from its center. 

“I found you on Facebook a few days ago. We were in the area and I thought I’d stop by and visit. I had never heard of you before so I was delighted to find I had an aunt on my father’s side.” 

She tilted her head back as she let out a huff. “I’m sure you were.” 

She stepped aside, making room for Vincent and I to enter. 

“Come in and be quick about it. I have to go shopping for new curtains before the stores close.” 

We entered and were greeted by an interior design that screamed old money. There was no doubt in my mind that this house had been passed on generation to generation, none of the furniture replaced. The chairs in the entryway had a gold colored trim and cushions designed with floral prints. The staircase was at the center, grand and ready for a Queen to walk down the red carpet that was draped over the steps. 

Stephanie hurried past the two of us, ignoring Vincent’s attempt to greet her. 

“I would give you a tour but I simply don’t have the time. Let’s sit in the living room.” 

 We followed her into a room that was as darkly paneled as my own home with red acting as an accent in the carpet and cushions. A fireplace that looked unused rested a foot away from the seating area. Stephanie took a seat on an arm chair, leaving the couch to the two of us. 

“As you may know from my social media, I inherited this home from my late husband. He died many years ago, leaving me without children. Because of that, I have dedicated my life to helping children in need as a philanthropist.” She gave a smile and placed her hands over her heart. “It doesn’t make up for never getting the chance to have a child of my own but I’ve gotten to take care of children nonetheless.” 

Vincent nodded enthusiastically but I knew he was probably thinking the same thing I was. She sounded rehearsed. However, if the money was going to kids in need, I didn’t care if she was only donating to be liked or popular. 

“I am very sorry about what happened at your sister’s wedding. I heard about it in the news. How devastating. I meant to send flowers but I never got around to it,” she said, her voice dripping with sympathy. I chose to believe that the sentiment was real and not an act. What happened to Nancy and Adonis was devastating. If Stephanie was decent, she realized that. 

"That's alright." 

"And she's pregnant now. At least, she'll have his child. That's the best thing he could have possibly left her." Her eyes glazed over as she ran her hand over her braid. It sat over her shoulder, winding around her like a snake. Then she straightened and rolled her shoulders back to fix her posture. "What are you up to? Are you out of school?" 

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