Romance McDonald: Daphne and Velma first date

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Daphne couldn't seem to admit to her temporarily blind gf that she wasnt shaggy, even though it was the right thing to do.
She always did the right thing, like keeping the eyeballs of those she killed.
You always keep the eyeballs.
Anyway, Velma said she and Daphne, or, well, technically Shaggy, had a date planned for today. It was Shaggy's turn to pick, and apparently he had picked McDonald's.
It was times like this when Daphne was glad that motherfucker was dead.
"I dont know what I was thinking, we should have gone to like...literally anywhere else." Daphne said.
"Yeah, I know, this place has really gone downhill after they got rid of the  play places due to those lawsuits, and changed their mascot to Happy. Ugh. And please don't tell me you're still ordering happy meals."
"I mean, the toys arent worth how small the actual happy meal is, what's the point anyway..."
"Exactly! Finally you listen to reason! And you're not saying 'like' anymore!"
Shaggy saying like so much really annoyed Velma.
It was,like, really annoying to Daphne too.
On their first date, Ronald McDonald said they could have free happy meals  because they were young and in love
Then they kissed and Daphnes heart exploded not literally and they ate some McDonald's fries and then Daphne saved Velma from choking on a fry bit.
They ended the date not knowing Ronald McDonald had posioned their food for trash talking the happy meal...

To be continued bitch
When will I update this again? Who fucking knows! Maybe read my other books in the meantime! They're a lot better than this one haha

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