28. A mixture of both

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*Pov Angelica*

It's been an eventful week to say the least. Adriana and I permanently moved into Dominic's home. It has taken me sometime getting used to it and being comfortable in our old home trying to suppress any things from our past that remind me of how he treated me. I know that from now on I'm going to have to balance our past and our present. No matter how hard I try to completely let go of our past it just keeps resurfacing.

I know that it's unhealthy for me to live in the past but I understand that without it I wouldn't be the person I am now. The person who is able to give Dominic another chance.

Adriana is laying between us the way she has done for the past few morning of us living together. She rolls over and in the process she slaps Dominic in the face.

He suddenly wakes up visibility alarmed by the slap he just recieved

I chuckle as his eyes shift to me

"What a great way to wake up" he smirks

"What part the fact that we are in the same bed or the wake up Adriana just gave you which woke you up." I question.

" A bit of both I guess" he says as he stretches and gets out of bed.

"I have to go to the office today but only for a few hours. After we could all meet up and go to a little surprise I planned a while ago"

"So your abandoning us for a few hours to then take us on a random "surprise" you just happen to be planning for a while. You do understand how that sounds don't you" I ask him

"Always so suspicious my love. And I'm not abandoning you, you know how much I hate it but I need to sign a few documents. However I promise to be back as soon as possible. Just makes sure that both you and Adriana are ready for when I'm back" he instructs from the closet.

"OK, OK I guess I could get us both ready in time, but only if you give me a small hint as to what this surprise is" I contradict

"No can do, a surprise is a surprise. The only thing I can say is that you should be ready for 3 pm" he announces as he leaves the room in his suit.

By the time I hear the front door closing Adriana has begun to wake up and now has her whole entire bodyweight on my chest. I kiss her forehead and whisper good morning to which she reponds by nuzzling her head further into by neck.

I pick her up and we both head downstairs to make breakfast. I make pancakes and text Dominic to make sure he gets breakfast on his way. He responds with a thumbs up and a smiley face emoji.

By the time the pancakes are ready Adriana had become fully her lively self and continues to play around with her pancakes while she eat them.

As I look at her and think about how well she adjusted to this change in her life. I wonder whether I will get used to it too eventually. However for now I'm going to carry on living a mixture of both. My past and my present.

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