3- The Start of a New Beginning

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While I was walking with the others, I unsealed a map of the world only to find out that Lindes wasn't on map. Who designed or drew this to not put Lindes on the map as well?! Great, now I don't know where I am!

While I was ranting in my head, I was brought out of my thoughts when Casper asked, "Princess Seraphina, do you know where we are?" As much as I wanted to say 'yes', lying would bring no benefit and the other party was going to find out either way.

"No, Lindes isn't on the map so... we're lost..." I sighed. "We might as well look through the skies. My butterflies can carry us", and just as I said that, I summoned a horde of butterflies to carry us all. We got on and the butterflies started flying. To where? Well, I have absolutely no clue at all so we flew until we heard some clanging then there was a huge explosion. Well, this is going to annoy me if I don't help whoever is there. I absolutely hate it if someone dies when I could've stopped it unless they were rogue ninja then I could care less.

I set down the others around kilometer away from the fight. "I'm going to check what's happening there, you guys stay here."

I turned around mumbling "Yang style: Luminous Step", I took a step forward and traveled through the light. I landed in a meadow and jumped on a nearby tree while masking my chakra. There were 5 masked shinobis while there was about tripled the amount of rogue nin. 3 of the masked shinobis were injured while 10 of the rogue nin were injured. I watched the battle while listening to them.

"There's too many of them, captain!" a feminine voice shouted, they were one of the 3 masked shinobis that were injured. "You must retreat while you can and report to the hokage!"

"I don't intend to let anyone die, so don't die and that's an order!" a deep voice shouted back, "We'll get out of this together as a team!"

How admirable, those two don't intend to leave their team for the dead despite the fact that they could get dragged down with them.

"Water style: Water Canon jutsu!"

"Water style: Water Torrent jutsu!"

The 2 masked shinobis countered it.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu!" They shouted in unison. Why do they literally yell out the jutsu name?

The jutsus collided, forming steam so I took that opportunity to intervene. I silently jumped down the tree, activated Byakugan to see through the steam and ran behind the rogue nin while forming hand signs.

"Ice style: Freezing Confinement" I whispered to myself and slammed my hands on the ground. Ice rose from the ground under the rogue nin and froze them all. I deactivated my Byakugan and changed my eye color to yellow when the rogue nin looked around when they couldn't move and was freezing. After the steam let up, the attention was on me now.

"A brat?" Really? That's their first reaction? 'A brat'? After a few minutes, the rogue nin starting yelling at me.

"This brat did this, didn't she?!"

"Release this jutsu before I kill you!"

They all started leaking out their KI (killing intent). I wasn't phased, why should I be worried when they can't escape from my jutsu? Literally one of them gave away the fact that they can't escape the jutsu. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes after all that wouldn't be proper of me. But who said I couldn't piss them off?









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