32- There's always a price

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Seraphina's POV:

It's been a week since the attack, Itachi and Shisui heard about it when they returned and they wouldn't let me leave their line of sight at all. I did manage to capture the ROOT members who attacked me, turned them into the T&I without feeling guilty at all. Apparently, ROOT is trained to not say a thing when getting tortured and is extremely loyal to Danzo but that doesn't mean we couldn't drag a Yamanaka to scan their memories now doesn't it?

However when the T&I asked a Yamanaka to come over, they found the captured ROOT and the ninjas guarding them dead. So they didn't know who was behind the attack other than me, Itachi and Shisui since they were the only ones who knew Danzo asked me to join ROOT.

Word about the attack ended up spreading which resulted with me getting a bit too much 'get well' presents at the hospital. Not that I'm complaining. But everything comes at a price and I'm saying this because all the clan leaders decided to assign some of their clansmen to guard me!

I'll admit, I was almost chakra exhausted after that fight and I appreciate having guards. But I don't need a literal army of them following me wherever I go!

Yup, I had ninjas at around jounin or either anbu level guarding me. Every time I go to a restaurant or something similar, they will check for any sort of poisoning before let me eat. They make sure to let out some KI which made practically everyone to stay away. Mission? Oh don't even get me started, they will do the mission for me and not let me do any of the fighting. I have at least 10 guards everyday, at most approximately 50. The hokage has at least 2 anbu guards at all times, at most 10 while I have at least 10. This is too much and yet the clan heads don't think it's enough.

I was in the Uchiha main house' living room reading a scroll but my mind was on the attack and the amount of guards the clan leaders gave me.

There's absolutely no need to go this far for me! I feel like there's going to be a riot if they find out that Danzo is behind this! Although, telling them isn't a bad idea since they'll try to put down Danzo. But it could escalate since the hokage doesn't even touch Danzo just because he's an old friend despite the fact Danzo is after his hokage title. They'll probably end up overthrowing the hokage and start another war in the process if the other villages notice! I don't want to be the cause of another war!

Itachi and Shisui did want to tell their clan about this but they kept it a secret after reasoning with them. Just like me, they want peace as much as I do. Starting another meaningless war costs many innocent lives so they decided to let the matter go but never forget. Crisis averted!

Although I felt like Shikaku knew of who was behind it but seems like he knew what could happen if he told anyone so luckily, he kept it to himself. But he didn't sit still. I heard from Fugaku that the previous ROOT headquarters were destroyed, leaving the current one in the open.

I knew it was Shikaku's doing, how he found out where the ROOT headquarters were was a mystery but I think he thought the best place for it was under the previous ROOT headquarters. He must've said that they might as well destroy the building since it's not going to be used ever again as it can't be used as a house. I found out that a training ground was built next to it as well so whoever's training there might notice something off. Although it's very unlikely but it's better than nothing. I couldn't think of anything to expose the man either other than exposing his armful of sharingans. However, I don't know how to expose them at all.

Getting guards just makes things harder since it makes the chances of Danzo ever appearing before me turned into 0%. I can't go and find him either since going to the ROOT headquarters would tell the guards that ROOT is still operating and they'll probably think that Danzo is behind the attack. In other words, I'm stuck.

Although having guards isn't a bad thing either because the pedophile won't be able to come close to me unless he can take on so many anbus and jounins which I certainly hope not. I may have seen his prowess during his battle against the other 2 sanins but this is against tons of anbus and jounins. I'm sure he'll be able to take on more than 1 anbu but how much?

I got up after realizing it was time to prepare lunch. I was about to go to the kitchen and lend Mikoto a hand when one of the guards stopped me. Right, they do the cooking as well. They won't let me do a thing at all. Even if I'm the one cooking, they still check for poison since it could've been poisoned beforehand.

I sighed and went to the backyard with the other guards following me. I sat down underneath a nearby tree and started meditating. I was almost 1/16 done to getting the byakugou seal after meditating for a month and a week. The progress was incredibly slow in the beginning but I constantly poured chakra in my forehead whenever I had free time. If I keep this up, I should be able to get the byakugou seal in a little over a year.

The only time I train is when I'm training Sasuke. I give him tips about training then I start doing own my training, only stopping when it's time for a break or if Sasuke needed help. I usually or rather always lacked a training partner and that's when the guards come in! Usually fighting against a Hyuga or a Uchiha because of their visual prowess.

Now that I think about my taijutsu is kind of sloppy... well I mainly focused on learning long ranged jutsus as for taijutsu, I only trained it for about an hour before moving on to something else. Well then! It's a good thing I've got some Hyugas here to help me! I got up from my spot and walked over to Naomi. She raised an eyebrow before greeting me.

"Himeko-sama, is there something you need?" she asked while I internally sighed in frustration, stop calling me with sama!!! "Yes, I was hoping you could help me with my taijutsu. It's kind of sloppy..." I replied. "Of course Himeko-sama! I haven't been able to pay back what you've done for my clan anyways!" she chirped. "Naomi, you don't need to repay me. I was only doing my job!" I said with a blank expression.

"But the taijutsu I know, requires the byakugan. I believe it's best that you ask someone else for help since you don't have it." Naomi said thoughtfully. I have the byakugan dummy!

"Well, if I learn taijutsu that requires the byakugan then I'll be able to hit pressure points if I train hard enough," I stated.

It is true, that way it wouldn't be suspicious if I use my palms instead of punching. Not only that, I can learn how to hit chakra points with and without the byakugan since Naomi will be teaching me. I'll be killing 2 birds with one stone!

1277 words

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