39- Mangekyo Sharingan Awakening

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Itachi's POV:

Today's the day Shisui casts the Kotoamatsukami on the clan. We told the hokage about their plan and he approved it. 

Shisui planned to cast the Kotoamatsukami in the evening so during the morning we were with Fugaku, trying to get him to change his mind about the coup because we seriously didn't want to use Kotoamatsukami on the clan. Himeko was distracting Sasuke and Mikoto for us while Shisui and I were with Fugaku in his office.

"Otou-san, do you realize the consequences of the coup? It could lead to a Fourth Shinobi War. During the coup, the village would definitely be weakened. What if other villages realize the weakened state of Konoha? They'll definitely use this chance to start another war." I stated, "Itachi's right, please think of the consequences Fugaku-sama." Shisui said. 

"Hmph, it won't start another war because this coup will be taken place when the hokage is poisoned. We just need Himeko to hand over the poison then the plans can be executed without fail. Without the hokage, the village is nothing against us all." Fugaku said with no care. 

"The hokage may be a threat, but you're forgetting about the anbu that the hokage has in his disposal!" Shisui shouted. "We'll poison all of them then, get Himeko to make more poisons." Fugaku responded. He finally looked up from his work, "You're both dismissed, you're suppose to be gathering info about the village so get to it now." He empathized the now. I clenched my fist while we responded, "Yes Otou-san/Fugaku-sama." We both walked out of the office and tree hopped to the private training grounds where Sasuke, Oka-san and Himeko was. 

Himeko saw us and said, "Mikoto-sama, Sasuke, I should get going now. I still need to add in finishing touches to your kimono for the upcoming festival." She gave a fake closed eye smile that seemed to fool the both of them. Sasuke started pouting, "Himeko, you said you had time to train me!" He looked like a chipmunk when he was pouting. Himeko poked him on the forehead, "Maybe next time Sasuke." He touched his forehead while pouting, "Awh, can't you train me a bit longer?" he asked.

"Now, now Sasuke. Himeko is quite busy. If you weren't listening during dinner, Himeko is usually ranting about the paperwork she has in her office. She says she has mountains of paperwork in her office which is probably true considering who she is." Mikoto reasoned while we both chuckled. It is true, Himeko would always rant about paperwork. They both walked back to the compound, when they were out of sight, we jumped down.

She looked at us, "Well?" she asked. We shook our heads while she sighed. "Fugaku-sama wasn't listening was he?" she asked. "He did but he believes that the coup won't be noticed by the neighboring villages. He thinks it can be done quickly." Shisui stated. "He's an idiot, no offence Itachi." 

"None taken." I responded. "Alright, I guess we have no choice then." Himeko mumbled. We nodded. If only things weren't like this, if only Otou-san could see the reason. If only the Nine Tails Attack didn't happen, would there be peace? "We should go now." I said. They all nodded.

Shisui and I went to the hokage for a short mission while Himeko went to the hospital like nothing happened at all.

After a few hours, it's now the evening...

I went towards the cliff of the Naka River where I was suppose to meet up with Shisui and Himeko but they were running late. They're late and they're always punctual. Something must've happened to them but where?

My questions were answered when I saw them in the distance. My worries we're washed away but it quickly came back when I see Shisui's eyes bleeding with his right eye closed. "What happened to you?" I asked while Himeko immediately lifted one of her hands to hover over Shisui's right eye. "Danzo," was all she said. She was about to start healing Shisui when he stopped her.

"Itachi, Danzo has taken my right eye which won't allow me to cast the Kotoamatsukami since the power resides in my right eye. He ambushed me when I was planning to cast the genjutsu on the Uchihas," he said while panting. "Itachi, I'll give you my left eye. Keep it safe also take care of Himeko-chan for me." He proceeded to take out his eye while Himeko asked, "What do you mean?"

"Danzo doesn't believe that simply manipulating the clan can diminish the coup, he took my right eye after calling me to a meeting, saying he would stop coup his own way." Shisui explained. I noticed Himeko's eyebrows furrowing at Danzo's reason. I could tell what Himeko was thinking.

I call that bull as well Himeko. Danzo is so despicable, he does so much behind the leaf and the hokage doesn't even do anything about it! Why's he hokage again? This is so frustrating.

"You two are the only ones I can count on, my two only best friends." He handed out his eye for us to take. The eye turned into crow feathers, "I accept" I said with his sharingan activated. "Me too" Himeko said solemnly. "But what will you do now, Shisui?" She asked. He didn't answer but instead he jumped off the cliff. Our eyes widened at the sight, we both tried to grab him but we were too late. "SHISUI!!" We watched Shisui plummet into the river, helplessly.

Suddenly I heard lots of fluttering while my eyes were twitching. I closed my eyes, feeling something roll down my cheeks. I reopened them and touched whatever rolled my cheeks to see a crimson liquid. Blood? Did my sharingan...

I turned to Himeko to see blood running down her cheeks as well. I looked at her eyes to see red eyes instead of her yellow ones.

(This picture is mine, I drew this just now and I'm too lazy to edit it since my editing skills are trash it but this is Seraphina's Mangekyo)

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(This picture is mine, I drew this just now and I'm too lazy to edit it since my editing skills are trash it but this is Seraphina's Mangekyo)

A sharingan? Himeko is an Uchiha? This must be her mangekyo but why didn't she tell us? She touched the blood that was running down her cheeks  and looked at it before her eyes widened. Then suddenly, every went dark. 

I woke up to see that I was in my room with Himeko on top of me. Was that a dream? "No, it was not." I heard from Himeko. I looked down on Himeko to look at her in the eyes. "It was not a dream, Shisui... is actually dead." She said silently. 


From some other place...

???'s POV:

It's dark... where am I? 

1131 words

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