15- First mission: Part 1

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Seraphina POV:

After I brought Sasuke-san to the academy, I walked back home to change into some new clothes and shoved the old ones in the laundry then changed into a kimono fit for combat.

I tied my hair in a bun, brought my fans (Yes, fans are going to be her primary weapon and the design are the fans shown above), cooked breakfast for the animals and walked out of my apartment towards to the hokage's office

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I tied my hair in a bun, brought my fans (Yes, fans are going to be her primary weapon and the design are the fans shown above), cooked breakfast for the animals and walked out of my apartment towards to the hokage's office. I knocked on the door and was allowed entry to see Shisui-san and Itachi-san on one knee with their anbu masks on.

"Umm... am I interrupting something?" I asked, "If so I can wait..."

"No, that's not needed, you're here for your first mission aren't you?" the hokage asked while I nodded in response.

"Perfect timing, your first mission will be with Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui since their other member who was suppose to come has fallen ill earlier"


"I'm not an anbu though..." I trailed off.

"But you're on anbu level so it'll be fine"

"Don't I need the uniform and a mask?"

"We'll lend you one" I wasn't expecting a mission that would be anbu level...

"Isn't there other anbus that can take the job?"

"Most of them are either on a mission or in the hospital recovering"

"I see"

"Well, Shisui and Itachi will lead you to the changing rooms and fill you in on the mission" I nodded and followed Itachi-san and Shisui-san out of the office.

After we reached to the anbu changing rooms, I changed into one of the uniforms and put on a butterfly mask while Itachi-san and Shisui-san filled me in on the mission. So we need to retrieve a scroll that a bunch of rogue nin from the mist had stolen and either kill or turn them in to the T&I (Torture and Interrogation). Why a team of 3? Eh, whatever. We walked to the village gates and checked out with the guards.

"Let's go" Shisui-san said, we nodded in response and started tree hopping to our destination. Now that I think about it, Shisui-san and Itachi-san didn't tell me where to retrieve the scroll... well they know the destination so I'll just have to follow them. We tree hopped for about 3 hours (with my legs aching badly) and came to a stop near the border of the hot water country. We decided to take a 10 minutes break here and during the break we talked about the mission.

"There's about an estimate of about 20 rouge nin there, right?" I asked while taking out a scroll.

"Yeah" Shisui-san replied as I unsealed some dangos and started eating some while Shisui-san and Itachi-san stared at my dangos not so subtly so I gave them a few sticks of dangos. They ate them all very fast before they looked in my eyes asking for more but the 10 minute break was over and it was time to move again. They both sulked for not being able to eat dangos while I chuckled at their sulking expressions before we started tree hopping again.

We got to our destination after a few more hours and breaks then we formulated a plan. Unfortunately, my role was to distract as many rogue nin as I could while Shisui-san and Itachi-san would kill the remaining rogue nin and retrieve the scroll so I was a distraction. Fun.

"Shisui, I'll stay with Himeko since she has the distraction role. You should be able to get the scroll on your own since Himeko will be distracting as many as she could"

"That may be, but if these rogue nin have a brain, they'll send at most 5 of them to go after Himeko instead" Itachi-san sighed in defeat. Well, he's not wrong. But that's only if they have a brain.

"Are you okay with this, Himeko-chan?" Shisui-san asked.


"Well let's get to it"

They boys tree hopped away to their positions while I unsealed my keyboard and tree hopped to my position and landed in a empty meadow which was at the North side of the building. After a few minutes, a crow landed on my shoulder meaning it was time. I took off my mask and headband and sealed it so the rogue nin wouldn't recognize as an anbu of the leaf (well not really) then placed a genjutsu over my kunai holster and started playing the keyboard while the crow flew away. I quickly suppressed my chakra to civilian level to make it seem like I was a clueless little girl.

As expected, 5 rogue nin appeared. Well, that's what I was expecting but instead of 5, 10 of them appeared. Why. But for some reason, they didn't attack me. Did they actually see me as a defenseless girl so they're just sitting there in the trees, listening to the tune? Welp, things just got a lot easier unless they decide to attack me out of nowhere. I mentally commanded my butterflies to spread out and monitor the rogue nin while I continued playing the keyboard.

Shisui-san, Itachi-san please hurry up...


Shisui's POV:

We heard a piano playing and sensed 10 chakra signatures moving away. Seriously? They either don't have a brain or either they believe that they have enough people to guard the scroll. We went in immediately, killing whoever got in the way. We had to be fast since literally half of the rogue nin went to check on whoever was playing the piano which was clearly Himeko-chan. The moment the piano stops playing that means that she's in trouble so we need to hurry.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu!" we both shouted in unison. After casting the jutsu, I ran at the enemy while Itachi threw a barrage of kunais. I kept using my signature body flicker technique to stab the enemy repeatedly from different directions. Soon, we managed to cut down the enemies to only 2 remaining but the tune of the piano abruptly stopped and an explosion followed soon after from the north.

I killed another rogue nin and shouted, "Itachi, go help Himeko-chan! I'll get the scroll!" Itachi nodded and took off immediately. I body flickered behind the last rogue nin and stabbed him in the back directly at the center of the sternum then slit his neck. I grabbed the scroll that was in the next room which was littered with traps but I got through them all with ease and started running to the North side. Himeko-chan, please be okay...

1093 words

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