The Ancient Sun

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If anyone looked at the figure that walked through the snow, they would wonder why they hadn't sought shelter, then they would wonder if they should grant him sanctuary. But when they would see the sword he carried, they would decide, that if the man wanted to be dry and warm, he would have to ask. 

Then the man would just walk past them. 

Percy sighed, it was his fault that snow was beating down on his back now, and he had to deal with it. If it had been a rainstorm, he could've dispersed it as easily as he had summoned it, but thanks to the cold winters of Japan, it had turned into a snowstorm. 

Looking around, he eventually found a shrine, and headed towards it, he didn't want to intrude on any normal people, but a shrine would offer him shelter, and privacy. As he got closer, he stopped. 

The aura of death stained the shrine's walls, frowning Percy walked closer, entering the shrine. "Helloo?" He called. His eyes narrowed as he heard something moving behind him, turning around he drew his Katana, he never even saw the Demon. 

In one fluid motion, he decapitated the demon, still cloaked in shadow. By the time it hit the ground it was a pile of ashes. Turning around, Percy looked at it and shrugged, feeling around once again, the Aura of death faded quickly. With a content sigh, he deducted that only one demon had been here, so he walked further into the shrine. 

But as he walked, he noticed several things that confused him, he didn't know Japan's culture, but he was pretty sure that the Demonslayer emblem hadn't been derived from a god. Eventually, he came across a large canvas, embroidered on it a strange-looking man.

Walking forward, Percy took note of several things, first, below the Canvas were the words, "Yoriichi Tsugikuni Breather of the Sun", 2nd the earrings he wore, were the same as Tanjiro's which were passed down from father to sun

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Walking forward, Percy took note of several things, first, below the Canvas were the words, "Yoriichi Tsugikuni Breather of the Sun", 2nd the earrings he wore, were the same as Tanjiro's which were passed down from father to sun. Suddenly he heard a voice, "You, who are you?" an overwhelming feeling of power stained the air, equal to some gods turning around Percy's eyes widened as he looked at the figure before him. 

"You're him, Yoriichi" Percy said as he looked at the man

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"You're him, Yoriichi" Percy said as he looked at the man. Yoriichi's eyes widened in surprise, "You, can see me?" He asked, Percy, nodded in response, "Yeah, can other people not?" he asked, and Yoriichi nodded sadly, "I'm afraid not, if you can, then you are different." He looked at Percy's clothing, "Are you a Demon Slayer?" he asked, and Percy nodded, "Yep" Yoriichi smiled sadly as he tilted his head, "I am sorry, I was unable to stop him all those years ago" Percy frowned, "Stop who?" Yoriichi looked up, "Muzan Kibutsuji, the king of the demons." "who's that?" Percy asked, Yoriichi looked at Percy, "The first demon, the one who all other demons come from in one way or another. Long ago, when I was alive, I met and fought him, winning, but he survived, from a single cell he regrew. I was so sure he had been defeated, so when I found out he was still alive, I tried to find him, but in the end, I was human, and he was not, for all my power I could not defeat time. And so I died, passing away" hearing the man's tale, Percy could sympathize, although he had beaten the titan of time, Percy still grew older, one day he two would die from age. Looking at Percy once again, Yoriichi spoke, "I am selfish, but I must ask, can you right my wrongs? Defeat Muzan and stop his filth from taking another life ever again?" Percy nodded, and Yoriichi smiled, "Thank you, you can rest here, what is your name?" Percy shared Yoriichi's smile, "Percy, Percy Jackson" Yoriichi smiled, "I would introduce myself, but you already know my name, but perhaps you will listen to my story"

Percy opened his eyes and yawned, stretching his rigged body, his stomach grumbled. Groaning Percy sat up, and looked at his bag, "I'm already out of food?" He sighed in annoyance, "Damn demon slayers and their damn rice buns." Standing up, Percy looked at Yoriichi who was meditating, apparently, Yoriichi was stuck here, since this was the only place with an accurate representation of his face. "So, you're awake," Yoriichi said without looking at him, Percy sighed, "Apparently" he walked up next to the spirit, "Percy, could you do me a favor?" Yoriichi asked, and Percy nodded, "Hang up my portrait at the Demon Slayer corp, I would like to see how they are doing today" Percy nodded, before realizing a problem, "But how will I get a portrait?" He asked, and in answer, Yoriichi handed him a small scroll of silk and cloth, "This has the template for my portrait, put it on a large canvas, and throw some Ink over it, and It'll make a portrait of me for you." Percy hummed as he looked at it, "That's useful" Yoriichi nodded, "And with luck, the other Demon Slayers will be able to see and hear me" Percy nodded, before saying, "Well, I've got to go, see ya Yoriichi." and with that, Percy left the shrine, heading towards the forest that he was to search.

As night fell, Percy sighed, Day 4 of his Demon Slayer journey, and so far all he'd killed had been the Shrine demon, a Harbor demon who had idiotically challenged Percy to fight underwater, and a Demon that reminded him of an Enderman from Minecraft, teleporting all over the place and hating water like the plauge.

Safe to say, none of those demons had challenged him.

But as Percy neared his location, he felt it, the Aura of death. Frowning, he rushed forward, until the forest came into view, he could feel it, the aura of death, it stained the forest, tainted the air. He wouldn't have been surprised if he started to see Thanatos dancing around.


Shaking his head, Percy brought himself back to reality, "Focus" Looking up Percy walked into the forest, before jumping up into the trees, as he traversed through the forest he leaped from tree to tree, heading in the direction of the aura of death.

Finally, Percy reached the origin of the aura of death. But as he did, he saw something that shocked him to his core. "Is that, a village?"

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