The New Hashira

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"This means you, Percy Jackson, are to become a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corp" Kagaya said with a smile. Percy's jaw dropped, "Huh?" he said, as the Hashira all stood up and walked over to him, "Welcome to the club!" Tengen said as Rengoku patted his back, "I can't wait to see what style you create!" Percy frowned, "Wait, create?" he asked, and the Hashira stepped back, allowing Kagaya to speak, "Usually, we would simply assign you as a Hashira of your breathing style, however, Giyuu is currently the Water Hashira, meaning that you must create a new breathing style, based on Water Breathing. And you must receive ample training" Percy blinked, "What, am I not strong enough?" he asked, making Kagaya chuckle, "No, you're plenty strong, but a Hashira must be among the strongest in the Corp. And as you are now, I don't believe you quite match that category, so you will receive training under a Hashira, while you develop your new techniques" Percy blinked, and nodded, his throat dry, 'I could just use my powers, but I don't think that would work' "Master, who will train the Hashira to be?" Rengoku asked, "I will happily take him!", but Kagaya shook his head, "No, Rengoku, but you're flame breathing, won't work with Water Breathing. There are only 3 Hashira that can train Percy. They are Giyuu, Shinobu, and Obanai, I will leave this in your hands to decide" Kagaya said, walking away. Percy blinked, before turning to look at the three Hashira in question. 'Obanai won't work' Percy thought immediately, "Uhh, sorry Obanai, no offense but I don't think I could train under you," Percy said, making Obanai scoff, "I never wanted to train you to begin with", then Percy looked at Giyuu, but the Water Hashira shook his head, "No," he said, making Percy sweatdrop, 'I got rejected, with a simple no', "Well, I'll happily train you Percy" he turned to look at the insect Hashira, Shinobu, "I don't mean to be rude, but, how are insects or snakes related to water?" he asked, making Shinobu chuckle, "Well, I created Insect breathing from Flower Breathing, which came from Water breathing, so I think I've got enough knowledge to train you" Percy chuckled, before looking at the other Hashira who were all still observing him, except for Muichiro, 'that guy's an airhead'

Shinobu led Percy down the trail, "And... here we are the Butterfly mansion!" She said happily. 

Percy's eyebrows raised, "This place is huge" he said, as he followed Shinobu into the Mansion

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Percy's eyebrows raised, "This place is huge" he said, as he followed Shinobu into the Mansion. "Tell me, Percy, do you know what Total Concentration Constant is?" Shinobu asked, Percy, frowned, "No?" He asked, Shinobu didn't seem surprised, and explained, "Total Concentration Constant, is a must if you wish to be a Hashira, and as the name implies, it means constant use of total concentration breathing. Your stamina will skyrocket, and your strength will increase considerably. So before anything else, we need to get you on that." Percy nodded, before saying, "Shinobu, I've got a question" Shinobu turned to look at him, "yes?" she asked, "Do you happen to have any pens around?" he asked holding up his journals, surprising her. "That's, a lot of journals" was her only remark.


Day 1: Today, I began training, once again, this time to master the total concentration constant. I woke up at an unholy hour, or rather I was woken up at an unholy hour. By a girl named Kanao, I remember her from Final Selection. Apparently, she's taken this training already, so she'll be helping. Although, it's Shinobu who's going to train me mostly. 

I got up, and after a brief breakfast, Shinobu sparred me to see how good I was. 

And never before have I been so humiliated by a Girl as short as her, she's fast, agile, and mean as a fury. She reminds me of Annabeth, far too much. 

After she whopped my ass, she set up a training regime for me. When I got started, first I have to master the TCC, and I get to multitask, doing it while I do different tasks. 

Luckily, I'm special, so I can use the water to heal myself and progress faster. I kinda wish I had Saiyan cells, so I could get stronger each time I patch myself up, faster than I am now at least. 

Day 2:

Again I was awoken, and again I trained. I was stretched by 3 little girls. Raced by Aoi, and splashed by Kanao. And it stinks, terribly. Once that was all said and done, I dived to the bottom of a lake and continued my training with Total concentration constant.

Day 3:

This time, I woke up Kanao, revenge! And like the day before, I stretched, Raced, and Splashed. Already I'm beating Aoi, constantly, but Kanao, she's too fast, apparently, she already uses Total Concentration Constant. So I'm spending more time in the Lake, an extra hour today. I need to master this because I feel like I'm going to need it, really soon.

Day 7:

We ran out of Ink, so I couldn't document the last couple of days. But luckily I'm able to maintain Total Concentration constant all day long now, out of the water as well. But I don't think I'm doing it in my sleep... Maybe I could get the three musketeers to help me?

Day 8:

I regret my decision, I barely slept last night, every time I lost my hold on TCC, they beat me with clothes beaters. And they hurt like Hades, I was woken up, like 8 times last night! 

Oh, and a side note, I'm finally beating Kanao in the Medicinal Splashing, my revenge is so sweet. Her face when I splashed her was worth all that pain and suffering! 

Day 9:

Today, I busted some gorges, I think they're called? Anyway, I broke 2 small ones, and then a big one. 

The most confusing thing was how I managed to fit enough air in my body to blow them up. 

And still, I haven't managed to create a new technique, not even one form!


Percy took a deep breath, before looking at Kanao, "Begin!" Aoi's voice called, 

and instantly he ran at Kanao, moving like a rocket Kanao ran away from him, yet as they ran, it quickly became obvious that Percy was catching up. Then with a triumphant grin, Percy yelled, "Tag!" and grabbed Kanao's hand, making her slip and fall. Standing up, the girl nodded, before walking away from a confused Percy, "Will that girl ever speak?!" He shouted when he heard wingbeats, "Percy Jackson! Come to the Master's Mansion at once!" a Crow yelled, and Percy grinned, before jogging off to the mansion.

Once Percy arrived, he saw Shinobu and Giyuu kneeling behind Kagaya, Percy frowned as he saw a panting Crow in his lap, and kneeled beside Shinobu. "You did well to return." Kagaya said to the crow, "It would appear, that most of my children have been killed. We may very well find the twelve Kizuki there. It will seem that I will have to send in some Hashira." The two white-haired girls by Kagaya's side looked back at him, "Giyuu, Shinobu, and Percy you will go, to watch Giyuu, and assist incase a Uppermoon is present" Percy nodded, while Giyuu and Shinobu said, "Understood" In unison. "if only Humans and demons could get along with each other, wouldn't you agree Tomioka?" Shinobu said, without looking at the Water Hashira. "That is a pipe dream, as long as Demons hunt Humans." Giyu said while Percy tilted his head, remembering Nezuko, 'Why do I feel like I should know Giyuu from somewhere?'

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