Black and Aqua, Twin Swords

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Tanjiro and Percy panted as they tried to catch their breath. Looking up, Tanjiro saw Wisteria all around them, "That's wisteria, we made it" Tanjiro said with a sigh of relief.

Tanjiro and Percy looked around, "Only 5 of us? We started with over 20" Tanjiro looked over at Percy, who didn't even look at the others, only staring at his broken blade. "I'm dead, I'm done for" Tanjiro looked over at a blonde-haired boy, "I'll survive for now, but soon enough I'm done for." "Welcome back everyone" Tanjiro looked over to see the two girls from before. "And congratulations, we're pleased to see you're safe," the black-haired one said. "So? I made it back alive what do I do now? Where's my sword?" Tanjiro looked over to see a boy with a scar speaking impatiently. "Patience, first we must issue your uniforms. First, we'll start by taking your measurements, then your rank will be engraved on the back of your hand. For your reference there are ten ranks in total" the sister began to speak the ranks one after another, "Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchi-noe, Tsuchi Noto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, and Mizunoto. You all start at Mizunoto, This is the lowest rank in the demon slayer corp." "And our swords?" The scarred boy said impatiently, "In a moment, you will be given the chance to select the ore that will be used to forge your swords. However it will be 10 to 15 days before the weapons are ready for you" the Boy groaned, "Really?", the white-haired girl clapped, "But first" Tanjiro looked up as he heard crowing, even Percy was shaken from his brooding as he looked up in confusion, a Crow landed on his shoulder. "now that you're demon slayers, you must each be assigned your own kasugai crow. "We get crows then? what for?" Tanjiro said. "The kasugai crows are primarily used for communication." Tanjiro looked at his Crow in wonder, "Grr I don't need this crap!" Looking up Tanjiro saw the Scarred boy throw his crow away, "Who the hell cares about some stupid crow?" Tanajiro's eyes widened as the Boy walked up to the white haired girl, and grabbed her by the hair, then he frowned, as he walked up to him"I want my sword right now, give it to me before I get angry. The color-changing Katana, I want it now do you hear me?!" as the boy finished his sentence, Tanjiro grabbed his arm, "Take your hand off her, or I'll break your arm. Now!" The boy looked at Tanjiro in confusion, "Who the hell are you?" the boy growled, "Give it your best shot" Tanjiro's face hardened, as he tightened his grip until the Boy let go of the girl to get away. "Are you two finished chatting with each other?" Tanjiro looked up to see the black-haired girl draw the sheet off the table behind them, revealing multiple different ores.


Percy watched as the Black haired girl pulled the sheet off the table behind her, "Now the time has come, please select an ore to use for your sword. The steel you will use to protect yourself and annihilate countless demons will be that of your own choosing" At the girl's words, the Blonde haired boy and girl walked up to the table alongside Tanjiro and grunty boi, But Percy didn't move. 'Getting a new sword feels like betraying Riptide. I can't do that' Riptide had been with him since he was 12, eight years now he had had the blade. And in his foolish rage, he had broken it, or her, "Percy, you need to choose an ore" Percy looked up at Tanjiro, "I know Riptide meant a lot to you, maybe one day you can fix it, but until then you need a new sword, to survive" Percy clenched his jaw, he couldn't move forward, "you made a promise, to help me cure Nezuko, and to Urokodaki, to get a new sword if this happened. Are you going to break that promise?" At Tanjiro's words, Percy ruefully smirked, 'Riptide, I promise to fix you, but until then' He walked up to the podium, "I'll need a new sword."

Percy felt like an old man, as he and Tanjiro shuffled down the path using sticks to hold themselves up, Percy's mind went to something he would never take for granted again if he ever got them back, bikes. 'I really miss Blackjack right now' Percy thought, as the broken Riptide laid in its pen form in his pocket.

Finally, as the sky darkened, Percy saw Sakonji's hut, "Finally, we're back." Tanjiro smiled, "I made it back, Nezuko, Urokodaki" but as Tanjiro spoke, Sakonji's hut door was kicked down, and as Nezuko walked out both Tanjiro and Percy were shocked, 'That timing, do the fates exist here too?' Percy wondered, Tanjiro dropped his walking stick, "Nezuko, it's you, you're awake!" Nezuko seeing Tanjjiro, ran to her brother, and Tanjiro tried to run to Nezuko, but tripped. When Tanjiro sat up, Nezuko hugged him, and tearfully Tanjiro returned the embrace. "Why'd you do that? Why'd you have to sleep for so long? I thought you were never going to wake up, I was afraid you were going to die" Percy smiled at the heartwarming reunion, walked over, and kneeled beside Tanjiro. When he heard wood clattering Percy looked up to see Sakonji walking up to them. Before hugging the trio, "you're here, you both came back alive." Sakonji said as Percy noticed tears rolling down his face.

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