Chapter 7: Battle Training

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In this chapter, you will find out exactly what the battle with the Neverseen was like! Love u guys!

Bridie and Ellie

Fitz POV (before the fight): 

I sighed and picked up my imparter. "Show me Keefe " I said into the device, he answered within seconds. 

"Hey Fitzypoo what ya doin?" He said waaaaay to happy for my liking.

 "Hi, Keefe! Nothing much, I was just wondering if you wanted to start training today, since there seems to be nothing better to do," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, why not... wait is Bangs Boy gonna be there?" He scrunched up his nose dramatically. 

"Yes, Keefe, Tam will be there probably with Linh, Wylie and Maruca," I told him, rolling my eyes again.

"Ugh finnnnnnne" Keefe groaned.

"Great see you there!" 

When his image clicked away, I went to call the others, the only ones who were not going to be there, would be Biana, Marella and Sophie, which sucks cause I really wanted to see her.  Oh and Dex I could probably call him to.


(Time skip 2 hours) 

Wylie's POV 

After Fitz called me, I leaped over to Everglen, as I was the last person there, we got started immediately. 

Suddenly somthing moved in the bush, I turned suddenly, watching the bush carefully as if somthing was going to leap out.

"It was probably just an animal" Fitz rolled his eyes.

I looked at him and put a finger over my lips, possibly a little more aggressive than needed, but he got the message. 

When the bush rustled again, Maruca's eyes widened as she backed away slowly  "that's no animal."

Keefe must have noticed the fear in her eyes, as he started backing away, and for once something is scary enough for Keefe to take it seriously... 

Everybody started backing away, gripping onto their weapons, Maruca created a force field enclosing everybody in as we all fanned out just as we had practiced hearts beating, prepared for attack.

And then there was silence, "the calm before the storm" Tam murmured stepping slightly in front of Linh. 

And then there was chaos. 5 Neverseen members jumped out of the bushes and surrounded Maruca's force field.

"They can't break through it, Umbers dead and Tam is with us," fitz said confidently 

"Don't bet on it," Keefe replied darkly. "Knowing my mum..." he trailed off. 

At that moment three members dressed in black Neverseen cloaks walked up to the edge of the force field

 "Hello, Keefe darling," Lady Gisela said, lowering her hood. "How have you been?" Keefe gritted his teeth but didn't say anything. 

The second member stepped forward and lowered his hood with a smirk "Fitz, hows it going, long time no see, tell mum hi for me, if you make it out alive that is." He said looking directly at Fitz and his smirk grew bigger. 

"Alvar," Fitz growled. "Alvar you son of a..." 

"Shut it Fitz, we have bigger problems than your brothers mid-life crisis." Keefe said sternly. I looked at Keefe and his lips weren't even twitching with a smile. 

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