Chapter 11 - Healed?

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In this chapter you will be experiencing what it is like to heal a broken mind. This chapter will only be Sophie's POV. Happy reading!

Bridie and Ellie

Sophie POV

Oh my god! Dex's mind is broken! How?

"How did it happen?" I ask Juline.

She looked away and took a breath. "Possibly from the guilt from Fitz's death. Fitz jumped infront of Dex and that's when he was squashed by Ruy's force field," Juline told me with tears welling in her eyes. I glance at Dex then back at his mother.

"I will save him, i promise," I say confidently.

"Thank you Sophie, will you need another telepath to assist you?" She asks, with a small smile.

"Umm, yeah, could you call in all the telepaths in the other room?" I say.

"Of course, including Councillor Emery?" She clarifies. I nod. I will need all the best telepaths helping me.

After all the telepaths enter Dex's room, I line them up and ask them all how many years of training they had. In the end I have Councillor Emery, Mr Forkle and Granite helping me out.

"Mr Forkle and I will be going into Dex's head, Councillor Emery and Granite will be sending us mental energy," I say.

"What happens if we can't get into his mind?" Councillor Emery wonders.

"I have brought two shades in to help," I tell him. Moments later Lady Zillah strode through the door with Tam casually walking behind her.

"Why is my prodigy here?" She snaps at me.

"Because he is a talented shade I think you can learn a lot from," I snap back. Lady Zillah's jaw dropped and Tam smirked from behind her.

"Whatever. Let's finish this so me and my friends can catch up," Lady Zillah says with an annoyed tone.

"Hang on! You have friends?!" Tam says, sounding surprised.

"Yes, I was about to say the same to you, Mr Song!" Lady Zillah rolled her eyes.

"Ok! What I need you to do is lift his shadows while me and Mr Forkle will try to bring him back," I say before Tam could reply. Lady Zillah shot Tam a glare then took her position at Dex's head. Tam stood next to her and they both raised shadows while Mr Forkle and I slipped into Dex's mind.

(Mr Forkle is italic and Sophie is bold)

What do we do?

We need to remind him of all the people who love him and follow warmth in order to bring him back to reality.


Ready? Give me mental energy in three, two, one! I felt this burst energy and I dived deeper into Dex's mind.

Dex? Are you there? Dex please wake up! People need you in this world! I need you! Your friends! Your family! Come back to make them smile again! PLEASE! I sent him images of everyone who loves him and the last image was of me and him smiling and hugging eachother. As soon as it entered his mind, his mind buzzed with warmth.

I think, I'm back.

Thanks for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. We will try to publish more chapter in the coming weeks. thanks a lot!

Bridie and Ellie

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