A New Chapter!

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I'd like to properly announce that I have officially graduated high school. The ceremony was held yesterday June 21, 2022 on the roof of the school that happens to be a field. On June 22, 2022 I went to get my diploma.

I'm very proud of myself for this achievement and I'm also happy that God blessed me with this opportunity. I have so many people to thank for this, but the first ones are my parents. Both immigrated from their countries to come to United States in order to give their children new and better opportunities. They left their homes, their families, their friends, their dreams, their hopes, and their goals behind so that they could work hard for my brothers and I. I grew up seeing my parents struggle time and time again, but they always found a way to make it through. I'm thankful and honored to be able to call them mom and dad. Not only that, but I'm also thankful that God put me in their hands to raise, guide, protect, and above all love me unconditionally. Despite my mistakes and my difficulties they have always been there for me. Through my hardest and darkest days, they have been there. My parents are my heart and they are my rock. They are the two people that I love the most in the world and that will never change. I did not only graduate for myself, but for them as well. My achievement is also their achievement because without them I would not be here. Without their advice and wise words, I would not be here. I'm blessed to have them and I'm blessed to be alive to share this with you all.

I know that many don't have this same opportunity. I'm not perfect so I won't tell you what to do because what works for me might not always work for you and that's okay, but I will give you this advice. Don't let anything drag you down and don't let anything get in the way of your dreams. Live, be happy, heal, and move on because I promise that if you keep trying, eventually you will get there. I never thought I would make it here, but I did and that is proof enough that you can and will too.

I'm proud of me. 

I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of us. 

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