Chapter 1 - The Secret Manor

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Chapter 1 - The Secret Manor

Clinging onto Draco's swirling vapour as he slithered and smoked his way through the English landscape, Hermione felt a mixture of emotions as she travelled to Malfoy Manor on the 'Death Eaters Express'.

Following Voldemort as he raced forward, Hermione felt the pain of her body trying to regain its solid mass as it fought against feelings of excitement, unadulterated freedom, taboo yearning and a curiosity of the unknown.

Her new gassy nature rubbed, mixed and blended with Draco's as his exhilarated face flashed in and out of her sight, giving their journey a much more sensual purpose,

"We're here" Draco's voice boomed around Hermione's head as the green landscape evaporated and made way for a new darkly lit domain.

Within minutes they came to an abrupt halt and Hermione patted herself down to ensure all her limbs were back to normal,

"What is she doing here?" A female voice shrieked from behind Voldemort as he raised his hands to calm the disturbed woman.

Hermione examined her surroundings as more curious residents of the Manor entered the reception area and regarded her with intent.

Hermione was always intrigued at how the 'privileged Draco' grew up but this was not what she imagined.

As she walked around the room, ignoring the intimidating stares and whispers, she examined the gothic interior design with interest.

A black and grey colour scheme dominated the space as the only stream of light, that gave life to the room, came from outside as the sunlight struggled to get through the heavy black and red velvet curtains that suffocated the grand Victorian arched windows.

Pictures of previous Malfoy family members decorated the walls on either side of the reception, in their elaborate gilded frames, each person with more deadly determination in their glare,

"Take her to the basement then" the hidden woman continued to argue as Voldemort chuckled at her fury and stepped to one side.

The reeling woman came into Hermione's vision as she quickly raised her wand, ready to defend herself against the crazed follower of Voldemort,

"Hermione Granger at the Manor. Do you really think you will survive one night here?" She cackled as she launched at the nervous witch.

Voldemort held his hand up to gesture Draco to stay back as the crowd watched on, firmly warned not to intervene by their leader.

Hermione stood strong as she looked around for all possible exits.

There were none.

"I should have done this years ago!" The demented woman continued as she flew into the air with her arms flailing like a screeching Banshee, ready to do harm to her arch nemesis.

Hermione knew she had no other option but to defend herself as she raised her wand and pointed it firmly at the erratic woman,

"Well now's your chance Bellatrix" Hermione coolly replied as she threw her wand towards the ruthless Death Eater and screamed,


A vicious orange bolt fired straight into Bellatrix's chest as Hermione slowly walked towards her target. Her wand refused to let her enemy escape, pinning Bellatrix to the wall as her stomach began to slowly melt away,

"Arrrgh make it stop" Bellatrix screamed as she looked around the room for help,

"I could blast you into oblivion or I could use you for your help. The choice is yours? And don't try getting away as I have full control now" Hermione firmly stated as the other Voldemort followers gasped and took a step backwards, fixated on the poised witch.

Unaware of her changing demeanour, Draco stepped forward and pointed his shaky finger towards a mirror to the side of his lover.

As Hermione looked at her reflection, the witch staring back at her caused her to lose focus,

"It's back again" she gasped as she regarded the black misty barrier with intrigue,

"Do you know what is happening to you?" Voldemort asked as he cautiously approached the admiring witch.

Obsessed with her fluctuating reflection, she ignored Voldemort as he crept closer,

"Your changing! Evolving into the real you! The one who cannot be contained! The one who can no longer go unappreciated"

He stood behind the gloomy sphere with trepidation and smiled alluringly at the transfixed witch in the mirror,

"The one who deserves to know the truth!" He concluded as Hermione looked back at the Dark Lord and faced his grimacing expression without fear,

"Show me the truth" she replied coolly as she looked over at Bellatrix on the floor in distress and concluded,

"But no tricks or I will finish the job Harry didn't manage to complete" she casually stated as Voldemort let out a grimacing laugh before ordering Draco to take Hermione to the Master Bedroom to rest.

Bellatrix dragged her injured body across the floor, towards her leader, as the others came out of the shadows, now the threat had gone, eager to hear more about Voldemort's plan for the new visitor,

"I felt her power and you cannot control her! She will destroy you if she finds out" Bellatrix stammered, holding her stomach, as the gaping hole Hermione made slowly began to heal itself.

Voldemort pointed his long wand at his concerned follower and pressed it against her chest.

A warm yellow glow slithered from the long stick as it wormed its way into Bellatrix's body to help speed up the healing process,

"As long as she stays away from the east wing, the plan will continue without problems" Voldemort replied as Bellatrix stood up and walked with her leader as she escorted him upstairs,

"And if she finds the room, my lord?" Bellatrix whispered, dubious of her leader's optimism.

They reached the second floor as they keenly observed Hermione's new sleeping quarters,

"Then we will all fall" he gloomily replied as Bellatrix shot a look of panic at the Dark Lord's ultimatum, as she realised she would have to tread carefully around Hermione, knowing that she unwittingly held all the power now.

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