Chapter 8 - Home Is Where The Heart Is

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The vortex ragged and slammed the anxious pair around the alternating coloured, vapour walls before violently expelling them out onto a damp, grassy surface.

Smells of wet grass, mud and a sweet aroma woke the dizzy witch up as she wiped the sludge off the side of her face and attempted to sit upright.

Her balance was slightly comprised by the vicious landing which led Hermione to crash back down onto something hard and moist as she frantically searched around for Monica,

"Ugh, Pumpkins!" She griped, wiping away the mushy flesh from her soiled jacket.

The smashed orange vegetables littered the anxious witch's path as Hermione took off and flung her soggy jacket to one side and examined her new, breezy location.

A piercing screech echoed in the distance, alerting the baffled witch's senses to possible danger ahead.

Hermione stood up and tried to focus her sight, to approach the screaming creature, in the hope it would lead her to her missing grandmother.

The cautious witch negotiated her way through the thorny shrubbery as she stopped in her tracks,

"Buckbeak!" She gasped. Hermione looked past the bothered creature to see Hagrid's hut a few metres away.

Smoke swirled out of the unusually bent brick chimney as muttering and laughter quietly escaped the open window,

"She's in there" Hermione mouthed. The curious witch hid behind the Grounds keeper's oversized prized pumpkin patch, focusing on Hagrid's suspicious feathered pet as she tried to come up with a plan to get around the agitated Hippogriff.

With her back to the Forbidden Forest, the desperate witch's attention got diverted to a large boulder at the entrance of the dark woods.

The shuffling and scratching was also heard by the eager pet as it rose to its feet and lifted its eagle head in the air, smelling the breeze for a hint of what could possibly be a tasty snack or damaging threat.

Hermione knew she was running out of time,

"Buckbeak, please be quiet!" She begged, wailing her arms in the air, gesturing the excited animal to calm down.

The creature struggled to get free from the chain around its neck as the metal crashed against the wooden pole constraining the frustrated animal to a small radius.

The clanking of the metal on the wood sounded throughout the grounds,

"Right! This has to work!" Hermione hoped. The careful witch looked behind her and cautiously followed the shuffling sounds, navigating her way down the muddy slope, trying to avoid sliding straight into the forest and into harm's way.

The slippery, muddy hill took Hermione by surprise and her descend towards the unsuspecting hidden creature picked up speed.

Her legs struggled to remain grounded, slipping and sliding from one side to another as her arms flailed in the air, looking for something to grab onto to stop the speedy journey.

The large boulder grew in size as Hermione approached the large rock at speed,

"Arrrgh!" she screamed. The frenzied witch attempted to dig her heels into the sinking mud but it was too late.

The jagged rock stopped her rapid journey with a bang and all the frazzled witch could do was to pick herself off the damp floor and hope that no one heard her aimless wailing.

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