Chapter 7 - The Glass Box

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Chapter 7 – The Glass Box

Hermione glided confidently down the dark corridor, ignoring the faint sounds of sporadic movement from the floor below her.

She pulled out her wand and quietly dragged it along the soot stained walls as she reached her final destination.

The small wooden door showed signs of Hermione's previous visit as the determined witch playfully tapped on the remaining piece of the melted handle, three times,

"Voldemort must enjoy hiding things from me but now it's my turn to seek - Open sesame" she purred as the door creaked open and entered the empty gloomy space.

Stepping to one side, Hermione looked back as the door screeched shut and left the curious witch to carefully examine the empty room with a watchful eye.

She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh breeze that filled the dank space from the small slit in the wall,

"Hmmm tricky! What is waiting for me behind this invisible veil?" she pondered.

There was no sign of life, furniture or evidence of what the room was used for - just an empty small space with the door providing the tight entrance and exit.

Hermione walked around the room, trying to find something that would stand out to her, to give her a sign of what the Dark Lord was hiding.

But there was nothing.

Growing frustrated at the lack of help, the impatient witch threw her arms into the air and shouted,

"Homenum Revello"

The building began to vibrate with dust flying into the room from the groaning walls,

"Reveal yourself" Hermione shrieked in excitement as the room stirred and rumbled as it began to come to life.

A table emerged from the wall as the legs scraped along the floor to return to its original place. Hermione jumped out of the way of the animated furniture and scrambled to the other side of the room, avoiding the flying items relocating themselves.

She cautiously wandered over to inspect the table top, picking up various unlabelled potion bottles and smelling the dubious content with fascination.

A rumbling thundered behind her, distracting her attention as she dropped the bottle and whipped her head around, ready to face whatever creature was waiting to attack her.

"What is that?" she gasped.

Standing there, dominating the middle of the room, stood a foggy glass box that filled most of the tiny space.

Hermione cautiously approached the misty box with intrigue.

A white mist swirled inside the glass cube and increased in density as the curious witch approached it.

Hermione walked around the large object to see if she could view a gap in the thick fog but the mist just developed as the frustrated witch got closer,

"What is in there?" she yelled as she banged on the glass for answers.

The box vibrated with the impact of her banging and the whirling mist stopped. It hovered, still hiding the content in the glass prison as the irritated witch placed her forehead on the glass and tapped on the glass again,

"Hello?" Hermione whispered.

The wind whistled through the eerily silent room as the curious witch cautiously walked around the box, searching for a weak spot to penetrate the mysterious object.

She stroked her hand on the smooth surface and tapped areas to test the thickness of the glass,

"Help!" a faint voice whimpered.

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