Gold Digger

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(Beginning of July)

On Monday Sana was starting her part time summer job in her uncle's shop. Nothing new, she had worked there before occasionally. She was in a bad mood, she hadn’t heard anything from Yousef in two days and it made her mind wander. What if he had met someone in Turkey and gotten tired of writing her? She knew that he lacked wifi at his grandparents, and who would he meet there anyway, mostly relatives, right? Sometimes the image of him and Noora kissing a Syng haunted her.

Elias was in a good mood. He had just received notifications that he had been accepted at Kristiania University College to study Marketing and Sales management. It suited him, a good blend of theoretical and practical courses. It seemed to Sana that everybody was moving on, getting jobs, starting to study. This might be her last predictable summer, with no real expectations on her. Just one more year and then she would hopefully start medical school. She had thought about studying abroad, maybe apply for an Erasmus grant. Maybe London or Paris, some bigger and more international city. Or Copenhagen to be closer to Simo and Jamilla. She envied Noora who had lived in both Madrid and London.

She hadn’t talked much to her friends about it, as far as she knew she was the only one with a clear career goal, apart from Noora who had talked a bit about journalism. And she realized that she had no idea what Yousef had planned when he would be home or in the near future. Did he plan on becoming a preschool teacher for real or was it just temporary job? Would he want to live abroad? Off course she couldn't plan her life based on his wishes, that would be crazy, but still she wanted to know. She decided to ask him in a message, he could answer when he had the opportunity.

Sana: I know you probably can’t answer now but I was wondering… what do you think about the future, professionally I mean, do you plan to study or something maybe?

About two hours later he answered.

Yousef: I am in a café with free wifi! Yeay civilisation!

Ok, future plans, wow!

Are you evaluating me, chess queen? Finding out if I am worth the risk?

Sana: omg no!

or idk, maybe ;)

Are you an ambitious guy?

Yousef: Is it important to you? having cash flowing…

Sana: Yeah, sure I am such a gold digger, that’s why I plan to study medicine, too just seem smart and independent

Yousef: :D

Sana: Seriously, I was thinking ahead, after school, maybe taking a year abroad, London, Paris, but with everything going on in the world idk :-/

Yousef: cool! I’d go with you anywhere, anytime!

I totally recommend staying abroad for a long time, stay at summer camp here as a kid and now I work there, lots of international volunteers

Come to Istanbul!

Sana: ok :)

But… you are avoiding the future question >:(

Yousef: Who are you FBI, interrogating me like this.

Seriously, I like my job, so I will work part time the coming year, and I applied for some courses at Uni. Should know soon.

Sana: What did you apply for?

Yousef: History, one year, for fun, and preschool teacher at university college, it’s only three years

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