𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

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In the new rom com movie premier Allison Hargreeves walked down the red carpet looking stunning. "There's our sweetheart, Allison!" A reporter yelled and bright white light were flashing into her eyes. "Oh! You're perfect!".

Klaus Hargreeves was in a prison, why you ask? Drug dealing, stealing, and things were should certainly not talk about. Klaus jumped from the top bunk bed and the guy form the bottom stood up, "Hey, you, stay strong. I believe in you. Okay?" Klaus said as he started to walk down the hallway talking to random prisoners, he then stoppe to talk to another one, "You, not so much" they both chuckled. "Bye, Klaus." The man said as Klaus just smiled at him. "We'll see you soon, Klaus" another said. The guard was opening the gate but before letting number 4 he told him to stay sober which he replied to with a little "mhmm".

"One more!" The man yelled in Allison direction was the cameras clicked and cameras flashed. Everyone sudendly started shattering and stopped taking pictures as allison just looked confused. "Allison!" one interviwer said. "Allison! Have you heard the news?" another shoved the microphone into her face. "Allison, will you wear Valentino to the funeral?" Another pushed the other interview, "What funeral?" Allison wondered because as she knew in the current moment, no one had died.

The Man in the TV broadcasted a picture of Sir Reginald Hargreeves behind him before speaking. "Moments ago, police reporyed the death of the most eccentric and reclusive billionaire". Allison turned around to face the screen, "dad..".


As Vanya Hargreeves got out of the taxi most of her siblings where already there. She opened the gate hesitating at first remebering all of her childhood memories in this house. As she walked in everything seemed so.. lonely, it was depressing. "Hey, mom" Vanya said as she spotted her robotic mom which she only returned a smile and walked away. "Vanya?" Allison called out as she was walking down the stairs. "You're actually here" they both chuckled but soon after went in for a hug. "Hey, Allison" vanya said a smile spreading accross her soft delicate face, "Hey, sis" she replied as they chuckled softly again.

"Ah. What is she doing here? You don't belong here. Not after what you did." Diego said with a stern face as he walked over to his sisters. "You're seriously gonna do this today?" Allison told diego with annoyance written all over her face but her face soon soften as she was his outfit. "Way to dress for the occasion, by the way" She said as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "At least I'm wearing black." diego spat and turned to look at vanya. "You know what? I... Maybe he's right. And I shouldn't.." Vanya said as she turned around ready to leave as Diego walked away. "Forget about him. I'm glad you're here" Allison comfortated her sister as she put and hand in her shoulder.

Luther was in his father bedroom trying to figure out if he was murdered or not. He was checking to see if the windows were locked or not before he heard the floor creak. "I can save you some time. They're all locked. No forced entry, no sign of struggle. Nothing out of the ordinary." He said not looking at luther but when he did he was surprised. "Oh, you got big, Luther." he chuckled to himself as luther just looked at him in annoyance. "What's the secret, huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?" diego teased. "What do you want?" Diego changed the topic as he was wondering why his sibling was in his fathers bedroom which they were not allowed in. "The autopsy report" Luther said in annoyance from his brother. "Ah." diego said not surprised. "And you have this why?" Luther asked pointing at the autopsy report that his brother had found before him. "Well, that's because I broke into the coroner's office. And Surprise, surprise, Dad's death was... normal" Diego explained to his small minded brother. "Just a boring, old heart failure." Diego continued on becuase he thought it was stupid that he really thought his father had been murdered. "Yeah, so?" Luther spat. "So, why are you in here, checking all the windows?"

"Pogo found him" Diego said in more annoyance than he already was. "Yeah, I talked to Pogo. He said he couldn't find Dad's monocle." Luther tried to reason with his brother, "And your point being?" his brother said in annoyance as he took out a knife and started playing with it in his hand. "Can you think of a single time you saw Dad and he wasn't wearing that monocle?" diego just shook his head unimpressed. "No, which means someone took it. Which means there's a chance he wasn't alone when he died." Luther concluded with a proud grind of his very to no little intellegence. "There is no mystery here. Nothing to avenge. Nothing to solve, nothing like that." Diego said as he put his knife away and looked straight into his brother eyes. "It's just a sad old man who kicked it in a big, empty house. Just like he deserved." Diego chuckled as he was walking closer to his brother. "You should leave" luther said in a sturn face which diego only replied with a chuckle, "Whatever you say, brother".

Vanya Hargreeves walked into the living room and spotted five and y/n's painting. The painting was of number five sitting down in a fancy old grandpa chair and number eight holding sturn look in her face, she was standing up unlike number five and had a hand in his shoulder as they both looked straight ahead. "Welcome home, Ms. Vanya." Pogo said as he walked over to where vanya was standing his walking stick. "Pogo." She smilled as they went in for a hug holding each other and not wanting to seperate from each other presence. "So good to see you" Vanya said as she moved the book she was holding from one hand to another which Pogo seemed to notice. "Ah, yes, your autobiography." he smiled looking at the book in the girls hand. "Do you know, um.. Did he ever read it?" Vanya asked staring into Pogos eyes looking for an answer. "Hmm... not that i'm aware of" He sighed as she turned back to the painting and her face dropped. "How long has it been since Five dissapeared and Eight went into that coma?" she asked pogo not dairng t move her eyes away from the painting. "It's been 16 years, four months, and 14 days for Mr. five and 16 years, four months, and 13 days for Ms. Eight" He said in a soft sad smile looking straight at the painting. "Your father insisted a I keep track" Pogo said as they both turned to look at each other.

"Do you wanna know something stupid?" Vanya said as her eyes dropped. "I always used to leave a night lamp plugged next to y/n in the bed she is laying in, I was scared that one day she would wake up and it would be dark and the house would be dark and she wouldn't be able to find us, she was always so scared of being alone, but I guess she has been alone inside of her mind for 16 years now. As for five, I always used to leave the lights on for him. I was scared that he would come back, it would be late, and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us, so he'd leave again. So, every night I'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on." she said a tear rolled down her eye. "Oh, I remember you snacks. I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butten and marshmallow sandwiches" he chuckled as vanya just gave him a sad smile.

"Your father always believe that Number Five was still out there somewhere. As for Number Eight, he believed she knew something we didn't, something she was experiencing inside her head while in the coma, he even tried to build a machine to see what was happening in her head, but it always failed. He never lost hope, and look where that got him" Pogo sighed as he walked away.

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